That's News To Me

Sep 01, 2008 13:32

The whole Gov. Palin baby situation just continues to blow sky high.  First, there were rumblings that Palin had actually covered for her daughter's pregnancy.  While I could see where the "facts" were coming from, I became nervous about how you would prove this type of thing, and how this could actually help Palin become more sympathetic.  Now, the Palin family has announced that their daughter IS 5 months pregnant, and that the young couple will be marrying.  The McCain campaign is also saying that they knew about this prior to the vetting.

Seriously?  You know that a 17-year-old girl is pregnant out of wedlock, which would already be scandalous on a statewide level when her mom is governor, but then you decide to run for the VP of the United States?  Seriously?

This is insane.  I have much sympathy for the daughter, but if I had been in Gov Palin's shoes, I would have said "thanks, but no thanks" to the McCain campaign.  More than anything else that has come up, I think the judgment of the Governor should be called into question.  There are many other more qualified candidates for the VP position, and it just becomes a selfish issue to say "we're having a family crisis here, but I am still going to run for the Vice Presidency".  

politics, news

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