Sep 28, 2009 00:42
I am mildly depressed/anxious right now and I have no reason to be. I've been having a bit of a rough time lately because I am in the awkward transitional phase in my life where I feel as though I don't belong anywhere and though I don't want to go back, I'm not old enough or experienced enough to move forward. A lot of my friends here have just turned 21 or are about to turn 21. That was three years ago for me. I hate playing the "I'm older" card, but sometimes that is the easiest way to phrase it. I know that I need to move, but I don't have money to right now and it is really discouraging. I love my friends here and would miss them terribly, but this PLACE has nothing to offer me anymore. I actually hid out in my apartment this weekend in order to escape the "weekend back" crowds that would be roaming around. I HID OUT in my apartment. How sad. I can't even comfortably go for a walk because I would run into all the drunk people from rushing frats and sororities. A walk. That's all I want. No wonder I was drunk here all the time. It sucks otherwise.
I never once thought that upon graduating college life would instantly be easy, but I didn't think for one second that it would be this tumultuous. This year is going to be a rough one. I'm in the beginning stages of preparing grad school applications and once those are in and (fingers crossed) I start getting some acceptance letters things will ease up because I will have a direction and set course. At least I am volunteering in a graduate student's lab. Perhaps I will meet an older crowd here. That would help a lot.
What this boils down to is I NEED TO MOVE.
If I haven't seen you in a while then I fucking miss you.