Title: There is War
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Rating: PG
Character: Enterprise Helmswoman who is Sulu's second...
Word count: ~400
Summary: Winning is the goal, but sometimes it is enough to fight the good fight.
Notes: For the
where_no_woman International Women's Day ficathon. Sorry this is so short and crappy, I have just used it to break through the three-week writer's block that's been eating away at me. 400 words is a victory for me, and though the story isn't that good I hope you'll enjoy it anyway. Please check out the other wonderful stories going up! :D Unbeta'd, sorry.
Prompt: Flash'd all their sabres bare,
Flash'd as they turn'd in air,
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army, while
All the world wonder'd
There is War