Where No Woman Has Drabbled Before: DS9 Edition

Jun 29, 2009 14:42

igrockspock suggested making another challenge post for series other than TOS/Reboot, and as a rather embarrassingly huge fan of Deep Space Nine I felt compelled to add it to the mix! Rules and prompts are below, and I'll trust the mods will let me know if I'm overstepping any bounds here!

1) Prompts are not exclusive. There is no limit on the number of people who may write about a prompt, and there is no need to claim prompts.

2) Post responses in the comments and include the number & name of your prompt in the subject line. If the story is too long for comments, you may post it elsewhere and comment with the link.

3) Responses may be any length from a proper 100-word drabble to a multi-chapter epic.

4) There is no time limit for this challenge.

5) Although I did not post any pairing-specific prompts, this is not exclusively a gen fic challenge. If a romantic relationship will help illuminate the identity of your character, please feel free to write about one.

6) Please leave feedback, respond to feedback, and pimp this post around.

These prompts focus on characters from DS9 -- from main cast to one-time appearances -- but feel free to incorporate characters from other series if you like. Also, if you want to try your hand at Reboot!DS9, taking the new timeline into account, that would be pretty cool, too!

01. Ezri Dax, holding a grudge
02. Ezri Dax, expectations
03. Ezri Dax, height
04. Female Changeling, order
05. Female Changeling, to become a thing is to understand a thing
06. Gilora, Keiko
07. Gilora, dominate the sciences
08. Ishka, new dress
09. Ishka, the lobes for business
10. Ishka, rain
11. Jadzia Dax, you can't go home again
12. Jadzia Dax, twice a husband and four times a wife
13. Jadzia Dax, all the way down
14. Jadzia Dax, debts
15. Jadzia Dax, Tongo
16. Jennifer, Wolf 359
17. Jennifer, what's with this guy?
18. Jennifer, linear
19. Jennifer, New Orleans
20. Kasidy, get the job done
21. Kasidy, Xhosa
22. Kasidy, pirates
23. Kasidy, civilian
24. Kasidy, cargo
25. Keiko, Obachan
26. Keiko, uprooted
27. Keiko, old friends in new places
28. Keiko, darts
29. Kira, mother
30. Kira, ghosts
31. Kira, Cardassia
32. Kira, mirrors
33. Kira, no woman is an island
34. Kira, politics
35. Lauren, intuition
36. Lauren, I know you want me
37. Leeta, pride
38. Leeta, A contract is a contract is a contract, but only between Ferengi
39. Leeta, smarter than she looks
40. Leeta, step-son
41. Leeta, upper pylon
42. Lenara, perfume
43. Lenara, I don't have a little Curzon inside me
44. Lwaxana, show you a good time
45. Lwaxana, picnic
46. Molly, big sister
47. Molly, hide and seek
48. Miranda O'Brien, make do with what you have
49. Nechayev, chain of command
50. Opaka, circles
51. Opaka, collaborator
52. Sarina, disconnect
53. Winn, heresy
54. Winn, Pah-wraith
55. Winn, sacrifices will be made
56. Winn, Emissary
57. Winn, may the prophets guide you
58. Ziyal, legacy
59. Ziyal, who we choose to be
60. Ziyal, comb
61. Ziyal, her father's daughter
62. Ziyal, ill-fitting

If you need to refresh your memory on any point, Memory Alpha is an excellent resource. Can't wait to see what you do! <3

canon: ds9, character: ishka, challenge: drabblefest, character: ziyal, character: kira, character: female changeling, creative: fic

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