fic: kira/lupaza (ds9, pre-canon)

Feb 14, 2012 10:13

Title: Survival
Canon: DS9 {pre-canon}
Characters: Lupaza / Kira Nerys; Furel; a handful of OCs
Rated: M, for violence as a theme, and for consensual sex
Words: ~7,000
Warning: History of sexual violence (not explicitly depicted).
Summary: Kira and Lupaza, in the resistance, teaching each other the meaning of survival. A story of redemption from trauma.
Note: Kira here is seventeen. Lupaza is somewhere closer to thirty. Elaborately consensual sex between them is a key element of this story. If that is a problem for you, do not read this.

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canon: ds9, ~pleasetag, relationship: femslash, character: kira, creative: fic

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