fic: kira/dax

Jan 01, 2012 23:33

Hello, beautiful community that I adore. I failed you this summer when I flaked on the Femslash and Queer Gen fest. Now, five months late, I have finally written a story that fills the lovely request I received. I post it here now - call it ritual expiation of guilt. No real restitution for being a flake, but I hope some of y'all will like it all the same.

Title: What You Will Know
Canon: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Characters: Kira Nerys / Jadzia Dax
Rating: T (T+?) for a bit of ladysex
Words: ~2,200
Dedicated: To Capella, for her wonderful prompt.
Summary: Kira comes to terms with the complications of her lover, who is so many people.

On LJ | On DW | On AO3

canon: ds9, relationship: femslash, character: kira, creative: fic, character: jadzia

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