Episode Guides

Sep 02, 2011 11:04

Hello Where No Woman, and a happy September to you all. As we continue to languish in this doldrum of No Movie News, I thought it'd be fun to turn our attentions to the dilithium warp core of the Star Trek franchise -- teevee! As you may know, all of The Original Series, The Next Generation, Voyager, and Enterprise are currently up on Netflix Instant Watch (Deep Space Nine should be up in October). To celebrate this unprecedented level of accessibility, how about some community-sourced episode guides? In particular, of course, woman-specific guides. While my nerdy Trekker heart is all for watching entire series (speaking of which, anyone up for a community watch-along of Voyager? Anyone...?), I know that realistically with Star Trek that is a huge time commitment, so why not give our fellow lady-fans a cheat sheet for the big episodes that concern our favorite women in space?

The way it works is simple: claim a week, claim a lady. Your episode guide for that character can be as simple as a list of episodes where she figures prominently or as elaborate as a picspam with recaps, analysis, and squee. Episode guides will go up on Fridays, and perhaps the intervening weeks will inspire some fic or discussion. In any case, the point is to narrow down hundreds of hours of television to the few where our favorite characters get a chance to shine, and what's not fun about that?

Here are some upcoming Fridays for the claiming:

September 9, 16, 23, 30
October 7, 14, 21, 28
November 4, 11, 18, 25
December 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

And here are some (not all! feel free to claim any others not on the list) televised Star Trek ladies:

TOS: Uhura, Chapel, Rand
TAS: Anyone up for this? Rhea? ;)
TNG: Yar, Crusher, Troi, Guinan, Pulaski, Ro, Lwaxana*, Keiko*, Vash*
DS9: Kira, Jadzia, Ezri, Kai Winn, Kasidy, Leeta, starred ladies above
VOY: Janeway, B'Elanna, Kes, Seven, Naomi
ENT: T'Pol, Sato (sorry - I'm very unfamiliar with this canon! which is obviously why I need an episode guide)

What do you think? More women to write about, discuss with others, finally understand fics about? Sounds pretty good to me. :)

P.S. As mod I give myself permission to say that if any of you are Doctor Who fans, and if you're recently suffering some feelings, this may be of interest to you too.

challenge: episode guides, canon: tng, canon: ds9, rec: promo, !modpost, canon: voy, canon: tos, canon: ent

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