Title: Shards and Fairy Tales
oparuSeries: TNG/VOY
Characters/Pairings: Beverly Howard/Kathryn Janeway, Ro Laren/Deanna Troi, Guinan, Lwaxana Troi, Will Riker, Jean-Luc Picard, Chakotay, Tuvok, Tom Paris, Seska, Wesley Howard
Rating: Mature
Warnings: major character death, mentions of teenagers having had sex, prostitution, torture, violence (brief)
Word Count: 25, 709
Summary: After the fall of the Terran Empire, the Alliance took control of the Alpha Quadrant, subjugating the lessar races, including Terrans and Vulcans. Some Terrans, like Kathryn Janeway, work for the Alliance while others, like Beverly Howard, fight against them in small resistance cells. When Kathryn's work stumbles onto the secret to finding a ghost fleet, Beverly 'rescues' her and brings her to the Terran side. Intendant Ro looks for ghost fleet on behalf of her Empress while rebels and pirates scramble to claim it before something darker than the Alliance finds them all.
Notes: Written for the
This is a dark story set in a mirror universe similar to that featured on Deep Space 9. The Terrans are a subjugated race and the Klingons, Cardassians and Bajorans rule.
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