Fic: Nor Iron Bars a Cage

May 15, 2011 23:49

Title: Nor Iron Bars a Cage
Author: circ_bamboo
Summary/Prompt: How do the crew deal with a female prisoner who is pregnant?
Characters: Nurse Lrrr (an OFC of mine), Dr. Boyce, Commander One
Canon: AOS
Word Count: 1350
Rating: PG
Warnings: None that I can think of.
Notes: For the where_no_woman Mother's Day fest. The crew is the Yorktown while Pike is captain. Lrrr is Head Nurse under Boyce. She isn't human. Title blatantly ripped off from Wordsworth.

Sickbay to Nurse Lrrr.

relationship: professional, canon: aos, challenge: mother's day, character: number one, character: ofc, creative: fic

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