Title: The cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon
abigail89Characters: Jim Kirk/Leonard McCoy, Joanna McCoy
Fandom: AOS
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Word Count: 5612
Summary: Troubles between Bones and Joanna send Jim into something of an emotional tailspin. And he wants it resolved. Now.
Notes: Written for the
where_no_woman Mother's Day fic-a-thon. My prompt was: 14. McCoy discussing with Joanna (and/or Jim or Spock) why Jocelyn kept Joanna from him during the period immediately after the divorce when he was actively living at the bottom of a bottle - and how it was because she was a good mother.
Many thanks to my team of word war-ers who pushed me to get this fic written. Love & hugs, y’all. The title is from
the poignant song about absent fathers by Harry Chapin the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon