FIC: Something To Remember, Chapter 2/? (Number One/Chapel, background Uhura/Spock)

Nov 24, 2010 19:21

Title: Something to Remember (2/?)
Author: teaoli
Fandom: TOS
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Number One, Uhura, Spock, Chapel, OCs, Enterprise crewman
Pairing(s): S/U, N.O./Ch
Summary: There's more than one way to form a family.
Warning: Characters and pairings are added as the chapters are written.
Disclaimer: I don't own Star Trek, any of its character or any of its concepts. I'm just borrowing them for no profit at all.

( Chapter 1 )

Christine sent up a silent prayer of thanks that Chapel women were known for their strength. They had to be, whether they married into the family or were there from birth. That carefully cultivated quiet strength was about all that kept her knees from buckling when Lt. Uhura had waltzed into Medical with this woman from Mr. Spock’s past.

Why the hell had Nyota brought her here?

Oh, sure, she claimed that she wanted to be Christine’s friend, but this might just be living proof that her “friend” was out to drive her crazy. Then, another thought crossed her mind.

Maybe Ny is trying to tell me something, she mused. Maybe she just needs me to understand why… She wondered if the off chance was worth letting her guard down.

Rumors spread fast on a starship. As a frequent victim of the rampant, and sometimes cruel, gossip that flitted about Enterprise’s corridors and wafted through its rec rooms, Chapel made a practice of taking idle speculation with a sack of salt. But that didn’t mean she didn’t listen. Sometimes hearsay had a kernel of truth to it, and medical professionals were wise to keep their ears open for any information that might aid in the treatment of their potential patients.

The stories about Hrista Paraklis had started not long after Mr. Spock had taken it upon himself to , kidnap his former captain, steal the ship then lock them all on course for Talos IV. The scuttlebutt was that he’d done it all to impress his former mentor. That he’d been in love with the woman who’d held the position he now filed, and that he would do anything for her. At the time, Christine had dismissed it as nonsense. But now she knew a part of her was hoping it just might be true.

Number One managed not to show her surprise as her own face stared back at her. A little younger. A lot blonder, but her eyes, set in her face nonetheless.

The nurse’s dark pink lips formed a small O and her pale eyes were wide with shock. For a moment, the commander thought the woman might drop the PADD she held clutched to her chest with trembling fingers. She was relieved when her blonde doppelganger straightened her back and visibly composed herself.

“Lt. Chapel,” she said, offering her free hand. “Head Nurse on the Enterprise.” She didn’t smile. Her words were nearly a challenge.

“Commander Paraklis,” Number One responded. Lettingher lips curl into a small smile, she closed her fingers around the nurse’s. The handshake was as firm as her own. “Usually I’m second in command at 47, but today it seems I’m a messenger girl.” She indicated the antigav flat of medical supplies. “I don’t where you need these to go, but I’d be happy to help get them there.”

Chapel lost haughty stance almost at once. A look of embarrassment flickered across her face before disappearing behind an expression to take-charge determination.

“Oh! I’m sorry,” she said. “That really won’t be necessary, Commander. I understand you’re here to visit with Mr. Spock. I can get one of the orderlies-”

Number One cut her off with a wider smile and a resolute shake of her head. “I’m pretty sure Mr. Spock will be rather busy for a moment or two.”

She glanced over her shoulder to where Lt. Uhura was suggesting Spock have his eyes examined.

“I don’t know her very well, but I suspect that Miss Uhura may have anticipated his reaction,” she said, turning back to the nurse. “I think she’d appreciate a little more time to convince him he is in error. That would leave me at odd ends until she succeeds.”

Something indecipherable passed over the nurse’s face before she broke into a gleaming smile.

“Mr. Spock can be rather stubborn at times,” she noted. “I’d be delighted to have your assistance, Commander.”


Bones sidled over to where the overgrown elf was standing, stiff-shouldered and tight-assed, next to his lovely fiancé. He gave up trying to wipe the clown-grin off his face before he was within a meter of the couple. It was impossible to keep a straight face once he got wind of their tiff.

“Repressed much, sugar?” Uhura demanded, slitting her eyes at the tall Vulcan.

“I assure you, ashayam,” he insisted, “the lack of resemblance between my former supervising officer and the head nurse had nothing to with ‘repression.’ The two women are vastly different. I have nothing further to say on the matter.”

Seeing his chance, Bones decided to jump on it. “Well, hell,” he piped up, causing the couple to turn abruptly (well, Miz Uhura spun around while the pixie sort of slowly pivoted). “No wonder you’ve been running scared from Chapel all these years. She must’ve been giving your human side nightmares about boss lady over there!”


Spock decided not to glare at the doctor. Or to acknowledge Nyota’s victorious look. Instead, he risked a surreptitious observation of Number One and Miss Chapel.

It was ludicrous to compare his logical, reliable mentor with the emotional, unpredictable nurse. There might be, he conceded on closer inspection, a superficial similarity to their facial structures. But Number One would never had titled her head back and laughed in the manner Chapel currently was. Nor would she ever lay her hand on the forearm of a near-stranger in such a familiar and proprietary fashion.

“The two women are nothing alike, Lieutenant,” he repeated. “In spite the fact that they have a few facial features in common, I assure you, I would have no difficulty differentiating between the two.”

Nyota’s gaze was riveted on the two women standing across the facility, chatting as they put away various instruments and other supplies.

“Oh hell no,” he heard his beloved whisper. “She’s not going there, too!” She placed her hands firmly on her hips and shot her best death glare towards Chapel.

Spock tried not to let a smile escape his rigid control while Dr. McCoy let out a loud crack of laughter.

relationship: femslash, relationship: friendship, creative: fic, canon: tos, character: uhura, relationship: het, character: number one, character: chapel

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