Title: Stories Have Endings, Fantasies Fade
sunriseinspace Fandom: Star Trek XI
Character(s): Jocelyn McCoy / Leonard McCoy, Joanna McCoy, Deborah McCoy, eventual Jocelyn / Clay Treadway
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing about Star Trek (2009), its plotlines, or characters, including any recognizable dialogue.
Summary: She buries her face in her arms, trying to shut out the heartbreak she can already see coming. --Sequel to
The Best There's Ever Been--
A/N: Hee, I worked on this backward, which actually amuses me to no end. Also, in my head, this is the prequel to my Jim/Bones heat-wave!verse, not that there's any K/M in this at all.
WARNING: Deals with the loss of a child, the death of a parent, and divorce.
you and me tried everything / but still that mockingbird won't sing )