two ficlets

Mar 25, 2010 12:09

Title: Mine
Fandom: TNG/DS9
Character: Vash
Rating: G
Words: 348
Notes: For the prompt "Mine is the whole majestic past, and mine is the shining future." Heavily edited from its original posting in the most recent drabblefest.

Title: Accurate
Fandom: TNG
Character: Ensign Taitt
Rating: PG
Words: 254
Notes: For
dark_agenda's Dark Drabblefest Day One. Taitt appears in "Descent, Part II" which is fun because everybody beams off the ship and Crusher becomes acting captain with a bunch of newbs as her crew.

Both are here!

character: taitt, relationship: professional, canon: tng, canon: ds9, character: vash, relationship: family, creative: fic

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