Dec 02, 2004 03:36
"Blessings on him that first invented sleep! It covers a man thoughts and all, like a cloak; it is meat for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, heat for the cold, and cold for the hot. It is the current coin that purchases cheaply all the pleasures of the world, and the balance that sets even king and shepard, fool and sage."
-Cervantes, Don Quixote
Voltaire--2 hours a night--considered it a source of evil
Thomas Edison--3/4 hours a night--regarding sleep as a waste of time, "a heritage from our cave days."
Bill Clinton--grabs 5 hours a night
Martha Stewart--4/5 hours a night
Jay Leno--5 hours a night
-i don't want to be balanced
-i don't want to escape the horrors
-i don't want to sleep
- it is the suffering i love
-i love it