Carmen flashbacks

Jan 06, 2009 23:25

Recently Netflix'd the Carmen Sandiego TV series, and discovered a two-part episode that delved into her backstory. So of course I had to take a screencaps, because two-year-old Carmen is a sight not to be missed.

She's said to be about two in this one.

Lookit her little bow.

Newspaper clipping featuring young Carmen:

I love how they didn't bother making up actual text for the article, just filled it in with the animator's ramblings about Jabberwocky.

Close-up of the photo:

Aww, the bear. And of course, she's already got the hat trick down, even at this age.

In the arc that these are from, adult Carmen starts stealing mementos from her childhood. The bear is one of them. So is the orphanage.

And, as a bonus, a screenshot of her wanted file:

My favorite part of this? She's wanted by the EPA.

I kind of want Captain Planet crossover fic now.
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