Oct 18, 2009 09:33
For a long time I've been tossing around what the next big career change for me--the next opportunity to watch for, the next most logical path, the next set of skills I should begin to cultivate. I've really embraced the desire to have a better relationship with my money, and I've been reading a lot of books on the subject of investments, and trying to find a way to train myself to think and act like the wealthy do.
Up until now I haven't had the opportunity to do anything but plan and dream, because Allison has been in school, and we've been sliding by on my paycheck alone. We got married in May, and thankfully, she's just graduated from the U of A, and has several good job opportunities to apply for. With any luck, in a short time, we'll have not only a dual income, but literally double the income we were operating on. Obviously, the first thing to go will be those pesky credit cards, then savings, then investments, and what little there is left over, we'll be able to put toward sending me back to get rated all the way through ATP as a pilot.
I'm really, really excited to fly again, and I know that I'll excel at it because I'm laser-straight focused on getting it done, and building time. The books I've been reading have some things in common--they all tell you that you are destined to fail if you don't have a plan to focus your energies on. Concurrently, a person will never be wealthy if they do not have a lifetime plan to actualize it. I'm developing a plan right now to focus my energies on starting a company of my own, which I'm estimating will be able to actually happen right around the time I turn forty. I haven't quite zeroed in on the company's service yet, but I know that getting my flight ratings will be the next logical smart move in getting it done. Being a pilot as well as a mechanic will bring me not only options for jobs, but expertise in a different area of the industry and business. In the meantime, I can be eyeing up the market and preparing capital to provide when the right opportunity comes around so that it doesn't slip by.
It's sort of weird to me right now--I read a bunch of books, and my entire verbage changes! I just reread what I wrote, and it doesn't sound like me at all, honestly. I guess reading something other than "Twilight" really will teach me some of the things they don't teach in school. All I know is that I can't wait to finally break the chains of the middle-class income status--even once Alli and I are well into our careers and making pretty good money between us, I won't stop until we are completely financially free. I've told her that my goal is to be worth ten million dollars by age 45, so it's good that I'm taking steps now--I've only got just over 17 years to completely change what I and my family know about ambitions and managing money. I realize that's a pretty tall order, but like I always say, "With the right vision, anything is possible."