Internetiquete: January 15, 2005, around 10:40 PM

Nov 03, 2007 23:26

Jimmy Joms: yooooooooooo
becaroo x hey~
Jimmy Joms how you doin?
becaroo x GREAT!
Jimmy Joms ALRIGHT!
becaroo x YEAH!!!
Jimmy Joms YES!!!!!!!!
Jimmy Joms Man, my computer is in the same room as the TV right now
becaroo x isn't that such a luxury>?
Jimmy Joms and I feel like a jackass because I keep doing things like shaking my arms or pretending to yell, and my family is all around me watching me be stupid
becaroo x hahaha
becaroo x my sister says EVERYTHING aloud when she's talking online
becaroo x and it's really fucking annoying
Jimmy Joms I do that if there is anyone nearby to listen
Jimmy Joms because I like to make jokes
becaroo x yes, well, my sister doesn't make jokes
Jimmy Joms Really?
Jimmy Joms none at all?
becaroo x hahaha
becaroo x well yeah i suppose
becaroo x but online talking to her dumb friends
becaroo x they're not like, FUNNY jokes
becaroo x it's stupid banter
becaroo x but yeah she does make jokes
becaroo x haha
Jimmy Joms Listen
Jimmy Joms HAVE I described how my house is heated, to you?
becaroo x no!
becaroo x please, do tell!
becaroo x i hope it involves mice in treadmills.
Jimmy Joms I wish!
Jimmy Joms No, it is very interesting though!
Jimmy Joms See, we don't have a basement, our house is on a cement slab
Jimmy Joms and underneath the slab is some reflective material, and all through the slab are these thick water pipes
becaroo x how many stories is the new place?
Jimmy Joms and the furnace heats up water to boiling, and forces it through the pipes
Jimmy Joms just one
Jimmy Joms so the floor warms up!
becaroo x and you have three bathrooms/!
Jimmy Joms I know
Jimmy Joms hahaha, that's the funniest thing about the house
Jimmy Joms there is one bathroom
Jimmy Joms and then a doorway
Jimmy Joms that goes to another bathroom
becaroo x ....
becaroo x are they all complete bathrooms?
becaroo x or are some of them half?
Jimmy Joms two halves
Jimmy Joms haha
Jimmy Joms or... halfs...
becaroo x i dunno which one is proper
Jimmy Joms nor do I
becaroo x i bet it's either
Jimmy Joms Anyway, the point of my long and convoluted description of my floor is This!
Jimmy Joms there is a big warm patch right underneath my computer desk, and it makes my life cheery and gay because my feet are being heated and such
becaroo x aww
becaroo x i want a foot warming floot
becaroo x yes, a floot
becaroo x i want a floot, dammit!
Jimmy Joms that sounds suessian
Jimmy Joms a foot-warming floot
becaroo x hahaha
becaroo x i almost asked what suessian was
becaroo x and then it dawned on me
becaroo x DR. SUESS!
becaroo x seuss?
becaroo x suess.
becaroo x seuss.
becaroo x suess.
Jimmy Joms hahaha
Jimmy Joms I think it's Suess
Jimmy Joms but I'm not sure
becaroo x me neither.
Jimmy Joms no, it's Seuss
Jimmy Joms M'apologies
Jimmy Joms Man... I am WAWM!
becaroo x my right hand is CAWLD.
Jimmy Joms that doesn't even make sense!
Jimmy Joms Cawld?
Jimmy Joms that doesn't sound a bit like cold
Jimmy Joms it sounds like a crow that doesn't know quite how to caw
Jimmy Joms I HATE YOU!
becaroo x hahahaha
Jimmy Joms I love Dr. Seuss, I just reminded myself
becaroo x hahaha
becaroo x me too
becaroo x you know what i hate?
becaroo x those more recent books
becaroo x made in a fashion after dr. seuss
becaroo x that have the dr. seuss label on them
becaroo x but are actually by SOME OTHER GUY
Jimmy Joms that BASTARD!
becaroo x yeah
becaroo x he should die a horrible death
becaroo x involving lots of clever rhymes
becaroo x oh man, sometimes mr. conroy freestyles
becaroo x and it's awesome
Jimmy Joms does he freestyle about biology?
becaroo x about MARINE biology
becaroo x and sometimes he randomly speaks french
becaroo x
becaroo x: this is funny
Jimmy Joms hahaha
Jimmy Joms holy shit
becaroo x hehe
Jimmy Joms hahaha, seusses inferno
Jimmy Joms seuss's
Jimmy Joms *
Jimmy Joms grammer lady
becaroo x hehehe
Jimmy Joms man, these things are cool
becaroo x oh god
becaroo x katie hakala just said one of the single-most disturbing things ever
Jimmy Joms what's that?
becaroo x KatiewasallLike: imagine mittens out of pubic hair
Jimmy Joms I bet they would be as warm as hell
Jimmy Joms Think about it, pubic hairs do such a good job of insulating
Jimmy Joms why NOT make mittens out of them?
becaroo x because
becaroo x it's pubic hair?
Jimmy Joms I don't follow
Jimmy Joms haha, read this! it's about Zaxes
Jimmy Joms However, there is no reason to believe that such a being so
obviously from another dimension should require procreational
capabilities along the lines of your average bipod. They may
just as well procreate by thought wave, pollen carrying bees,
or Government Fiat.
becaroo x what's zaxes?
Jimmy Joms a dr. seuss animal
becaroo x ohhh
Jimmy Joms there is the north-going zax and the south-going zax
becaroo x hehehe
Jimmy Joms and several essays on how they can continue do go north or south, as the planet should be round
Jimmy Joms haha
Jimmy Joms and how they procreate and stuff, it is very amusing
becaroo x haha
becaroo x it's only quarter past ten and i am deliriously tired
Jimmy Joms haha, sissy
Jimmy Joms Holy god!
Jimmy Joms I am sorry to keep talking about this dr. seuss thing you found here, but you should read the dr. seuss new testament, I think you would enjoy it
becaroo x what?
Jimmy Joms to hell with it
Jimmy Joms haha
becaroo x bahhhh i'm sorry
becaroo x i told you, i'm really tired
becaroo x and i likje
Jimmy Joms s'cool lady
becaroo x can't socialize
Jimmy Joms don't worry 'bout it
becaroo x now i feel like a jerk
Jimmy Joms haha, why?
becaroo x because!!
becaroo x i'm all sleepy and i can't even remember what was preoccupying me
becaroo x and i ignored you
Jimmy Joms I don't mind haha
becaroo x and i continually ignore everyone else
Jimmy Joms I'm not very good at conversationg tonight, myself
becaroo x i talk to people in turns for bursts of five minutes
Jimmy Joms -g
becaroo x and then ignore them for twenty
Jimmy Joms haha, that's ok
Jimmy Joms it's not like there is some kind of internet ettiquette you have to live by
becaroo x we should set up internet etiquette
becaroo x 1. /\/0 1337
becaroo x 2. No StIcKy CaPs
becaroo x 3. becca sucks
becaroo x 4. if there is internet silence for more than fifteen minutes, the conversation is over
Jimmy Joms 5. I agree with 4
becaroo x 6. unless there is an emergency, alert people when you are going to put up an away message if you're in a steady conversation with them
becaroo x 7. rule number six does not apply whatsoever to people who barely speak to you
becaroo x 8. no LOLing
becaroo x 9. no LOLing especially at completely funny things
becaroo x 10. such as, "lol do you have the hist hw?"
Jimmy Joms Man, you've put a lot of thought into this
Jimmy Joms hey, hey
Jimmy Joms rule 11 should be: stick it to the man
becaroo x 11. stick it to the man
Jimmy Joms Yes!
becaroo x 12. no talking on the phone and online to a person simultaneously, you losers
becaroo x 13. i have done that before but shut up
Jimmy Joms 14. hahaha, becca sucks
Jimmy Joms 15. no offense
becaroo x 16. if you IM yourself and talk to yourself and become amused by yourself echoing yourself, you are a friggen loser and shouldn't tell your friends about it
Jimmy Joms hahaha, do people still do that?
becaroo x 17. shut up
becaroo x 18. :-\ is the universal response for "i have no fucking clue how to respond to that."
Jimmy Joms I never use that face, I am not good with the faces
becaroo x 19. do not overuse the faces
Jimmy Joms I generally just don't respond for like ten minutes in those situations, and then I say something like, "Is that so?"
becaroo x 20. say "so..." and i will eviscerate you.
Jimmy Joms Oh, Oh! 21. Eviscerate the Proliteriate
becaroo x 21. eviscerate the proliteriate
becaroo x do you mean the proletariat or are they different things?
Jimmy Joms 22. I never claimed to be a good speller
becaroo x haha
Jimmy Joms I have that rap song that goes, "Let's get it sta-arted" stuck in my head
becaroo x 23. never tell people what song you have stuck in your head, as that kind of crap is highly contagious
Jimmy Joms I do that to you on purpose, because it usually happens
becaroo x though that is just life etiquette
becaroo x not merely internetiquette
Jimmy Joms haha, internetiquette
Jimmy Joms good work!
Jimmy Joms I'm going to download that song now
becaroo x i am going to save this conversation
becaroo x because i want to keep the internetiquette list
Jimmy Joms I like the rules I provided
becaroo x me too
Jimmy Joms they were just conversation, with numbers
becaroo x hahaha
Jimmy Joms it's downloading!
Jimmy Joms wait
Jimmy Joms it doesn't sound familiar now
becaroo x hahahaha
becaroo x good
Jimmy Joms hahaha, I feel so fucking mexican
becaroo x my sister's boyfriend is half mexican
becaroo x lori and i make terrible racist jokes about it
Jimmy Joms I'm in my "ready to go to sleep" clothes, which means wife-beater thing and sweatpants, and I am listening to the black-eyed peas
becaroo x hahaha
Jimmy Joms I make terrible racist jokes all the time!
becaroo x only ours are dumb
becaroo x like "hey, did mark teach you how to make quesadillas?"
Jimmy Joms hahaha
Jimmy Joms that's not even racist
becaroo x hahaha
becaroo x it's stereotyping though
becaroo x and lori challenges mark to tango contests
Jimmy Joms hahaha
Jimmy Joms My favorite racist joke I have ever made is when I said that my dad never wakes up until I try to steal one of his tacos, and then he wakes up and beats me with a bus full of hypodermic needles, and then falls asleep on my head for three weeks
becaroo x HAHAHAHAA
Jimmy Joms it didn't even make sense
Jimmy Joms but I was having a good time
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