Jan 03, 2006 00:43
1.) When showering, do you start the water and then get in or get in and start the water? Water 1st
2.) Do you read the labels on your shampoo bottle? nope. just put it in my hair.
3.) Do you moan in the shower like the people on the herbal essence commercial? o_O? ur a freaking sicko, u know that?
5.) Have you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings? no
6.) Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower? can't say i have.
7.) Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot? sure.
8.) How old do you look? 14-15 maybe. i don't look too often.
9.) How old do you act? sometimes 4 sometimes 40.
10.) What's the last song you sang? L.O.V.E.
11.) Have you recently become a member of anything? trinity poetry club. woo for being social.
12.) What are your plans for the weekend? friends for dinner.
13.) Do you kiss with your eyes opened or closed? closed
14.) Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull? i like my spinal chord on the inside thanks.
15.) Do you ever intentionally vomit after eating? no
16.) If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you most likely be? the crazy one-eyed pirate.
17.) Have you ever called anyone a slut? no
18) Have you ever been called a slut? not to my knowledge.
19). Have you ever smuggled something into America? have i ever been out of america?
20). Does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive? not really but as jon said, if u can play, cool.
21). Do you live in a city with a good sports team? we don't have a sports team.
22). Have you ever finished off the popcorn? i think so.
23). How many people do you think would come to your funeral? it's a party. i'm inviting everyone. how do i know if i'm dead?!?!
24). How many of them would come just to make sure you're dead? probly the kids that think i'm the immortal reincarnation of satan.
25). Do you have more enemies or more friends? (shrugs) not much of either.
26.) Have you ever sent an anonymous letter? written plenty. sent none.
27.) Can you fix ur own car? 1. i have no car. 2. no
28.) Have you ever turned someone down for a date? only been asked once.
29.) Are you smarter than your friends? (shrugs) define smarter.
30.) Have you ever stolen anything from your friends? not that i can think of.
31.) Have you ever been to jail? no
32.) Should you have? no
33) Do you like the smell of beer? eugh no< in it ] I'm afraid of the dark
[ x] I've collected comic books
[x] I shut out others out when I'm mad
[] I open up to others easily
[x] I read the newspaper (comics lol)
[] I love Disney movies
[some....] I am a sucker for eyes
[HA! ] I don't kill bugs
[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name
[sometimes...] I bake well
[] I have worn pajamas to class
[o_O? wtf? ] I love Martha Stewart
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS
[] I am self-conscious
[x] I love to laugh
[ ] I drink alcohol on a regular basis
[ ] I smoke cigarettes
[ ] I can't swallow pills
[] I bite my nails
[Xsolitaire, YES!] I play computer games when I'm bored
[ ] Gotten lost in the city
[x] Gone out in public in your pajamas
[hm....good idea] Made out in an elevator
[i wish. wanna suggest making out THEN too you horny little survey writer? ] Been skydiving
[ i wish again] Been bungee jumping
[x] Bitten someone
[] Dressed up like the opposite sex
[ ] Egged a house/car
[ ] Smashed into a car
[ ] Been fired
[ ] Been skinny dipping
Have you ever...
[x] danced in the rain
[x]Seen a shooting star
[] proposed to anyone
[ ] Gotten stitches
[ ] Eaten Sushi
[x] Gotten the chicken pox
[x] Ridden in a taxi....
[] Been on a cruise ship
[how big's new mexico?] Driven over 400 miles in one day
[ ] Been on a Plane by yourself
[x] had surgery
[]seen a movie more than 3 times in the theater
[]been on stage
[] peed somewhere other than a toilet
[] gotten a black eye
[x]memorized all the dialogue in a movie
[i "watched" a basketball game ;)]watched an entire baseball game
Do you like...
[x a few] old movies
[x a few] musicals
[] blasting music in your car
[x some] foreign foods
[x] anime
[] Christmas time
[they're alright] donuts
[dead ones.] animals
[] coffee
[] tea
Two Names You Go By Other Than Your Real Name
1. Keerin
2. Tibby
Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. greek
2. italian
Two Things That Scare You
1. nightmares.
2. loosing people.
Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. Clothes<