Mar 16, 2005 18:21
yeahh.. so much to write about!
prom was awesome. i looked awesome if i do say so myself haha. i was soo happy with my dress and my hair. but yeah my group was really cool. i didnt know any of the girls and 3 outta the 4 guys... but it was a lot of fun. we went to carrabbas for dinner and then went to centennial olympic park before the dance and it was sooo pretty. the dance itself was pretty lame for a while but it was fun to see everyone. eventually i'll prolly have the pictures all on here or a picture website or something. i dunno.
afterwards we went to seans and i'm sorry but that kinda sucked. it was just 2 couples hookin upand then me and j mor. awkward.
ummm sunday i got up and went to my grandmas to celebrate her birthday with the rest of the family. that was fun i guess. uhhhh.. oh yeah. afterward i had to go to work for a long stupid store meeting.
last night... ah. i got to go to the nfg concert. daniela texted me at like 6 and was like hey are you working and i said no and she asked me if i wanted to go. i waslike ahh yeahhh. it was absolutely amazing. it was sooo crazy. mosh like the whole time.. and guess whatttt. i crowd surfed.. twice. yeahhhh! yeah.. i also ripped a huge hole in the ass of my pants and didnt realize it was there until after we left.. which is good. but such a great night. so much fun.
the last part. man. i was supposed to get my license tomorrow but stupid me forgot about my certificate of attendance until today and that damned PPO wont make an exception and get it back to me by tomorrow.. so i have to wait until tuesday and drive like 4 hours away because thats the only place that can take me before like... may. but i mean i guess it's better than may! ahh
well i guess thats all. spring break is in 2 weeks and thats awesome. i get to reunite with marc haha. that should be interesting. and ahhh i know so many people going on our cruise. but its gonna be soo much fun with my girls. i cant wait. eeeek!
and also i guess my plans of staying away room guys forever is ruined. i still dont think relationships are worth the shit you go through though. but i wont ever learn.never.