gossshhh so i had a whole entry written and i dunno what happened. it like disappeared. and i dont feel like rewriting it all. so basically... saturday night went to a party w/ jen and folk. it was fun. apparently i cant talk when i'm with alcohol. even more so than usual. today i did project for peacock (damn him) with josh and walker.. and we got nothing done so i hafta go back tmo and do more. but since its with them its not too big of a deal. tonight we hung out with people at devlins and i actually enjoyed myself. but there was some drama with meg that was really gay. but oh well.. the guys were relatively nice to me for once. i thought they hated me. maybe so. or maybe they still do, i dont really know. anyway i'm tired and done with this. i'm pissed that it erased it all.mannn.
<-- ...so not me or anything. nope. :)