Oct 16, 2005 02:18
progress report card - science failed. english d. tech theatre b. math c. spanish b. comp lit satisfactory. history b. ( not completely sure on some of em i had to use memory since i left my stuff at enocs house )
been hanging with rebecca, gelina and enoc a lot these past days. met up with them last night and went to the haunted house with julie and matt. scary shit but, worth it none the less. made a little stop at wendys and back home. round 2' met up with enoc and matt and went to the lowell vend. place. didn't have much luck but, got some things which was good. some dumb ass was friggen washing his car at 3 30 in the morning. fucking idiot.
saw my neice deeana last night too. she's a cutie. talked to thuy who barely calls much but, once in awhile is still good. life's great at the moment. hope this lasts.