Jun 04, 2004 16:24
As of the moment i am truely pissed off with a number of people....everyone seems to be getting in the way of what i want....my friendship....my crushes <333 i always want something im never satisfied with i have (im not talking materialistic), but serriously what i want dosent seem to be as hard to get for anyone else...only me. I wish my life and my world could be perfect, although im not exactly sure what perfect is i guess i need to figure that out before i can achieve it. With all thats been going on i just want to say thank you to all my TRUE friends, i mean the ones who really care about me from the middel of their hearts.. our friendship really means alot to me and i would never porpously do anything to ruin it ou weaken it.
Now on th a more joyfull note 9 more days of school....13 more days till schools over and only three more weeks untill camp !!!!!!
i expect everyone to write to me while im away and i promise at least one letter back....ill post the address when i can find it.
<3333 Jaco