(no subject)

Mar 31, 2008 18:55

Character: Nana Osaki
Series: Nana
Character Age: 20

Canon: The manga “Nana” is a tale of two girls who share the same name, but have two completely different personalities. Brought together by fate, or by the “Demon Lord” as Nana Komatsu would opt to say, the two girls come to live together after a chance meeting on a train and then a chance reunion at the apartment they’re both interested in. With more love triangles and drama then you can shake a stick at, “Nana” is essentially the soap opera of the manga world. But in that good way that touches you at night.

So what do you do when you’re expelled from school on false prostitution charges and your legal guardian dies? If you’re Nana Osaki then the obvious answer is to don a red dress, join a rock band, and shack up with a hot Sid Vicious wannabe before eventually making your way to Tokyo with your band to take over the music industry. Nana Osaki is the rebellious and antisocial one of the series two namesakes, she is not the type to wear her heart on her sleeve. To those who don’t know her, she may come off as cold, unwelcoming, and rude. Unbelievably driven to achieve her dream of musical success, Nana is a force to be reckoned with.

Sample Entry:

…..what a dump. I’m not some uppity little princess who only wants to sing in palaces, but this place is a hole!!! And considering some of the pits I’ve sung in, that’s saying something!

Oh well, all that matters is that I get my voice heard, right? All I have to say is that the others better show their sorry asses up here too, it isn’t a band with just a vocalist, and I’m pretty sure whoever this “Director” that booked us is won’t be happy to see just little old me. Although I’m starting to think she booked the wrong band. With all the people wandering around in tacky purple fur coats and all the guys walking hand in hand, you’d think it was the second coming of Wham!

The crowd is starting to get rowdy, well, as rowdy as a bunch of emaciated, half naked, green tinted kids can get. They’re throwing all sorts of presents on the stage; everything from whistles to signed pictures of Frank Miller (what kind of crowd is this?). I can even hear them chanting, sure it’s not my name, but hey, at least they’re excited for….brains? Oh man, is this some sort of themed show? I don’t do that visual kei crap. If they expect me to come prancing out on stage in a flurry of feathers and freaky sad clown makeup, they’ve got the wrong girl! Obviously I’m going to have to start booking our jobs by myself, if I let those dead weights back into the band after this whole disaster that is. They’d better come crawling back on their hands and knees, then maybe I’ll consider it.

What? NO!!!! That is not some sort of kinky fantas- Where the hell did you get your manners from?! Didn’t your mother teach you that a girl’s monologue, inner or not, is a private and special thing? Get out of here, sheesh! People these days! They think just because you’re talking out loud that they’re aloud to listen and comment! Whatever happened to the good old days when someone could prattle on forever to themselves without interruption? Besides, who let those kids backstage? If I get back to my dressing room and find them going through my luggage, I’m suing this place. Or worse yet, some crazed fan hiding in my closet. Don’t think I haven’t seen the movies!!!! Popular rising star comes to a small town, goes back to her room to find that the powers been cut, her cell phone isn’t getting service, and next thing you know some dude in a dress and women’s underwear bursts into your bathroom and stabs you in the shower; not unlikely considering quite a few of the guys I’ve seen here are wearing dresses already (don’t think I couldn’t tell). Or worse yet, this could be one of those panty dealing rings….

That’s it! Show or no show, I’m getting my ass out of here before this turns into some cheesy daytime movie about abduction, murder and showing the cops on the doll where it touched you. And NO, I am not waiting to find out what IT is, no matter how comfortable your park benches are.

Voting went here; 87.0%


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