Omoidaseba haruka haruka..

Oct 08, 2006 19:47

October is like, the greatest month ever!

The last warm LAC.. Harvest Festival.. Mushroom and Conker Picking and then Halloween and the London Expo. I also got tickets to see the musical Wicked, which I've been bugging my parents about since I first heard of it in March =3 Urk. I don't really use my LJ anymore or check it very much but maybe I ( Read more... )

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ayanako October 12 2006, 17:03:58 UTC
Yeah, KH 2 came out in germany as well. I was so happy when I heard about it, but the game was sold out EVERYWHERE. Well, at least I started playing it today (I didn´t get very far, I´m still in Twilight town ;_;), but however... IT ROCKS. I always watched the intro on youtube. Now I saw it on the TV and I was all WOW, BEAUTIFUL. I´m just sad they didn´t use the japanese Version of the intro song, it´s much better, espacially the lyrics. It´s disturbing and kinda weird when Naminé says "Angels in flight" XD I love Naminé´s german voice *_*

Oh, sorry, I´m talking too much again ^^°

Bye, Ayanako


Yay you! whenuaretehmoon October 14 2006, 16:55:24 UTC
We're always the last countries to get these awesome things, nyah?

Twilight Town is so kewl! I think apart from Hollow Bastion it's my favourite level. I really liked controlling Roxas too, even though Sora's awesome =D

I first heard the song in that AMV of yours! Then my friend sent me the whole track and then I heard it on the advert in English. I agree with you, the Japanese version is a lot better because the lyrics fit better ^^

What's her german voice like?
Ah! And please don't worry about talking too much, I enjoy listening to you! ^^


Re: Yay you! ayanako October 14 2006, 20:10:08 UTC
In KH 1 Halloween Town was my favourite. I don´t know which one is my fav in KH 2. But I agree with Twilight Town, it´s cool, I liked it in "Chain of Memory" too.

I love Sora´s Drive Outfit *_*

By now I´m at Disney Castle, but I don´t manage protect the queen ^^° I´m fighting and fighting and suddenly... well, she´s defeted O_o

Oh, that AMV *sob* It was deleted on youtube and I don´t have it on my harddrive anymore. I miss it ;_; Hmmm, perhaps I´ll make a new version one day.

Her german voice is, I don´t know, it´s just pretty, hard to explain. It´s soft and mysterious, it fits her. Oh, I found a german trailer (?), she´s on there too, just short but: There you can here the german voices of nearly every main character ^^


Re: Yay you! whenuaretehmoon October 22 2006, 16:54:44 UTC
Eek late reply again T__t sorry.

Twilight Town had beautiful music in Chain of Memories, although I lost my game so I can't remember it ^^; It's in my house somewhere! But yush, it was awesome!

Ooh Sora's so awesome in Drive! =DDDD Where are you up to now? I haven't played it for a few days cause I had a ton of essays to write (luckily i finished them now) and I'm up to the Pride Lands.
rofl! Minnie in Disney Castle XD That was so weird. I think she fancied Sora or something there..

Why did they delete your amv on youtube?

Naminés voice is so pretty.. I really like it.. The other voices were strange to me as I'm used to their English ones, but the tones of the voices aren't that far off anyway. Thanks for the link!


Re: Yay you! ayanako October 22 2006, 18:49:05 UTC
Chain of Memories is cool, but I´ve never beaten it. So a few things at the beginning of KH 2 were confusing me ( ... )


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