Burnage of work is good

Apr 08, 2006 19:39

Omg finally finished my English and Media coursework XD Which means... only got Geography and a little of Art to go ^^ woo.. that only took the entire week ¬_¬

And i can't work out the Wi-Fi connect thingy on my DS. I don't have a clue what the feck Copper is trying to tell me. Stupid animals! >< I blame you! *bashes town-like peopley animals with DS stylus*

Um.. good news though.
FMA 6 and Chobits 6 are released on Monday! *dies*

And they're gonna play the Cry Dinosaur ep of LT on Tuesday afternoon! The one ep i haven't seen =3 Maybe that'll be enough to revive the fandom for me. *dies again*

Yeah. This was a pointless post.
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