kaizoku ai!

Jun 09, 2006 17:11

++Okie, Goose requested i make another one of these things for her so here goes XD++

In a time not too long ago, our favourite psychotic chibi friends, Goose, Panku and Plusle were bored. Again.

They had tried all sorts of methods to remedy their boredom; running in random circles, posting hate mail to the 4kids HQ, conducting trading card battles by mixing Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh! cards together (which made the game very confusing), yet nothing kept them occupied for long enough. Enter Goose's 'brilliant' plan.

Attempt to provoke someone virtually unprovokable. In other words one Monkey D Luffy.

After all, everyone knew that one of the only things that got Luffy really mad was when that straw hat of his went missing! So they decided to steal it when he was asleep, hide, then see his reaction. Not surprisingly he was none too chuffed, but the chibis took it too far when they also ran off with his shirt and pants...

So for the rest of the day they were too busy running away from his GOMU GOMU! attacks to remember their boredom.

The End.


Wow that was... craptacular XD waah. i suck at writing!
Sorry about your arm panku-san .__O It looks weird. Also the pic took longer than i thought and i got bored so Plusle is too small and Luffy is a stick figure ^^;

He has heart pants but they it looks like polka-dots T__T

I plan to edit the pic later and correct these mistakes!
I'm too tired right now to bother.

And WTF is up with us and stealing items of clothing?!? First Sportacus, now Luffy! omg. This was not my idea! ^^;
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