Lemon sandwiches? Yum!

May 03, 2006 16:19

dun dun duuuuunn~ updates! <-- something i haven't properly done for ages ^^; Incredibly long ramblings too but that can't be helped.

I saw the Boosh live in Brixton a couple of Fridays back with cailenbraern which was fun! But i wasn't allowed to stay afterwards so i couldn't get Noel and Julian's autographs ;__; (also for some strange reason i really wanted Mike's but i wouldn't have minded as much if i didn't get it) My namesake was there too XD I wonder what the Moon's autograph would look like? And how would he sign it.. with his tongue? Interesting...
Nikki and Billy were there too~ I miss them T_T And i miss the Chemical Reactions song we used to sing.. ah good times. Or rather easily forgettable, stressful and evil times. Year 10 and 11 sucked .__O

Lost is back on Channel 4 which i love to death, and hopefully in a few weeks time Ethan will return also! Hurray for Ethan! ~o^_^o~

What else... ooh! My OC finally went mute in mine and Goose's ToS fanfiction! It's soo kewl cause now i have to flail my arms wildly to get people's attention or just poke them.. mwahaha! I want to draw a picture of our OCs so badly! >< I've promised Goose a pic since we started it in October. Sorry Goose! *snuggles* I'll sketch you up something real soon.

Ah and Penny i haven't forgotten your requests ^^ Zodiac will come to a DA inbox near you soon, and maybe some slashy goodness too? Jou/Kai is love, but not as much as Yami/Yuugi!

OMG i saw the end of the chobits anime! :O It's so different than it is in the manga but i still love it! Except Sumomo needs a better voice.. It's way too high and whiny and breaks my eardrums .__-;;

I can't think of anything else that's significant.. Erm.. I have the hugest obsession with Ed again and ordered an Ed keychain =3 I ordered the new Keane album (June 12th release yay!) i spammed my own user page with colour bars and i'm obsessed with Golden Sun (and Isaac/Ivan) Also i want to try my hand at animation instead of just illustration. I have the best Animal Crossing storyline ever XD I just need the software and some people for voice acting and i think i can make it! ;) Hurray!

I don't want to break up for study leave, i'm going to miss everyone a lot! And i can't revise alone ;__; I have no self-discipline!
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