(no subject)

Jun 21, 2008 14:50

i meant to do this yesterday but it didnt work out so well.
i ran out of time.

i was bored all day yesterday and was taking phone pictures of stuff i was doing.
lame, yes.
but what the hell.
i keep saying ive been meaning to take more pictures.
who cares if its not with my cameras?

here's a few.

work at khol's.
how exciting right?
all day long on the computer learning how i cant call my male boss a hot hunk of man love.
or milady bosses either.
but thats a different story all together...

getting ready to go driving in the death trap.
my car has no air conditioning right now.
it went out on me last week.
its not fun when the temp outside is 113.
its pain.
burning pain.
monday it gets fixed and hopefully i will stop looking completely miserable in my car unlike in the above photo.

i got home.
stripped down to my unders.
lazed in bed.
watched degrassi with dexter.
a good evening i'd say.
dexter is bomb ass.
i dont know if bomb ass is good or if it means his farts smell.
which they do.
they're loud too.
never heard a dog fart as loud as he does.
mind blowing stuff.

anyway, i didnt hear from the county human resources lady for the library job.
my last hope is monday.
two more long and terrible days.
im supposed to work at kohl's in an hour.
but im not.
i suck at jobs.
its hard for me to keep a job i dont care about.

im going to go lay down. im sleepy.
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