Chaos Theatre, Toronto, Saturday FT

Sep 24, 2016 17:59


Today was the day. And Envy... was spending it back stage at the Chaos Theatre, showing Gideon yet another damned outfit. A dress with two big shoulder pieces, two different cuffs, and an insect-like middle. She was no longer sure whether she was a fan or not. There'd been too much of everything in the way of fabric thrown at her lately.


"Mmm... I dunno," Gideon said. "Maybe lose the shoulders." The stylist by her side jotted this down in his clipboard. The make-up assistant on her other side did her best not to despair at any and all changes that were coming. Gideon didn't notice either of them. "I want some options on the shoes," he continued. "And hair, people, my God. Please. I want you to build a bonfire in her hair. That is a metaphor." A beat. "And obviously something that sounds off now with the adaptation change, but people, work with it."

Then he turned, obviously ready to go deal with a hundred other little details. "Gideon, can we talk?" Envy asked before he got further than a step away. He beckoned her to follow him without looking back. "Walk with me, baby," he said. "I've got lighting to review and I need to my third-to-last walkthrough. Doors in... what?"

"104 minutes!" yelled out some guy pushing a cart past them, down the hall.

"104 and counting," Gideon agreed. Now, he looked at her. "Envy, honey, you know I love you. What's on your mind?"

"I'm just tired!" she said, not quite snapping but a little on the exasperated side. "I've been training and leaning choreography for weeks. I've tried on 71 dresses. Can't we just sit down for an hour and have a drink? The outfit is fine. I'm ready."

All of the prep work she'd done for various events and meetings while working for Peter was starting to look like laughably little in comparison.

But Gideon didn't seem like this wavered any of his thinking at all. "Natalie, it's your debut," he replied calmly, but with conviction. "It's the opening of my special place in Toronto. Your outfit is important. I've had some very promising young designers literally chained to sewing machines for a month. And you know that dressing you up like a doll is very fulfilling for me sexually."

For the love of -- "Seems like it's about the only thing," she muttered.

"What was that?"

Sigh. "Nothing."



The Chaos Theatre was an old former factory on the corner of Bathurst and Queen. The outside had the original red brick look of the building. However, the inside was a different matter entirely. At street level, there was only a fancy elevator.

And after a long ride down, you were in the club itself. All modern shapes, silver, panels of floor that lit up and pulsed in time with the music. Hipsters everywhere. A long bar. Some coin-operated video games off to one side of the room. And a seven-dollar coat check.

There was a tall damn pyramid in the middle of the whole thing.

And then, with a great KACHUNK, the lights went out, and a spotlight turned on. And hit Envy, high above them all, complete with giant butterfly wings attached to her back as she was lowered down. The top of the pyramid lifted away, and a stage was revealed, and with a dramatic puff of theater smoke, Envy's boots met the stage. the wings vanished. The crowd erupted into cheers at a deafening volume.

Envy didn't smile. "Thanks, Toronto," she said. "This is a new song for an old friend."

[ooc: NFB, but open for any and all who think they may have gotten notice - now that the monster OCD up, omg. Warning for cartoony violence and NPC death. Taken from Scott Pilgrim volume six, with some tweakage. And thus conclude Envy's adventures in canon!]

what: canon, where: toronto

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