Nov 24, 2005 14:15
I just got finished with a nice meal on this Thanksgiving day. It was satisfying. I wish I felt satisfied with everything else in my life. Are any of us ever completely satisfied? If anyone is please tell me how you do it.
So tomorrow I'm probably going to check out those after Thanksgiving sales out. I dread fighting off all the people.
I don't know what to do with myself lately. I want to know what it's like for someone to love me with unconditional love. *sighs* I hate being in this moods where I feel like I need a boy. I just don't want any boy tho. I want one who thinks the world of me and who would do anything for me...
Yeah and someone who doesn't have to wonder if I'm the right one, someone who doesn't feel the need to compare how I make them feel to how someone else makes them feel. The truth is: you won't find it.