Feb 11, 2004 21:31
ok so i need some help changing my pic, i dont know how to make a mini one to fit there but this one needs to be deleted...i wonder why. I'm feeling so much better today then i was yesterday, a lot of pain has been lifted from my heart or shoulders or whatever. I realized that ever since i got back from Vermont my relationship has basically been a lie. I was forced to feel guilty for hanging out with guys that were really just friends, and forced to feel guilty if i felt that i was hiding something, meanwhile the same exact thing was done to me. I dont like when people try to make me feel like a bad person when that person is just as bad if not worse. I dont appreciate being lied to, and i know you are reading this. We have known eachother for 2 years and your living a lie right now. I deserve your honesty. Things didn't work out , and youve never been happier, and life will move on without eachother. But I changed you for the better, you wouldn't be the person you are today if it wasn't for me, and i think i deserve some respect for that, and by lying to me is really not showing me any respect. "Rest assured im moving on, I miss you less, with each day your gone........." im going to admit that it is hard to live without you, i dont know if it is because you will always be with me or just because i dont know how any other way to live because you were alwyas there, i guess ill find out soon enough. I have to rebuild a big part of my life, and i feel that after today i am more than ready to do that. It will be hard...theres no turning back now, no regrets. I've got a couple of good friends right now, my friends at school and my friends here. I know that everything will turn out okay, Will and Dean you are really helping me through this. I dont know why i wrote that whole thing or what it means but i had to get it off my shoulders and its just been bugging me. But thank you Will for sticking by my side thru this and Dean for listening to me yell :) Love you guys your the bestest !