Player Info Meme AND Concrit

Jun 15, 2012 16:45

If you have concrit for Suzaku please feel free to leave it here. Comments are screened.

I am: Sue (ichinichinemasu)

I play:
Suzaku of Code Geass (whenknightfalls )

I used to play:
Subaru of X (eyebemissingu )
Suu of CLOVER (sotakeme )
Sookie of True Blood (purelywaitress )

Contact Methods: The best way to contact me is through gchat. susanjs162 at gmail dot com. I am on gchat most of the time that I am online! Feel free to add me, I promise I don't bite. I think. Although usually I fail at starting conversations. And if I am scarce and you want me for anything, ping me! I also have a handle on IRC as Suzaku but usually don't go on IRC unless I'm running a post or playing a lot.

Emergency Contact: ....emergency? You can shoot me an email. I will answer barring death or dismemberment or work stress.

Availability/Timezone: I am on EST time. I also have a job in what could be termed event management. On most days, I will be doing the regular 9-5 thing and thus will be available for play between 7pm and 1am. HOWEVER, on event days I probably will not be around at all (usually Tuesdays/Thursdays). Weekends are best.

The Playing Experience: I have a hard time handling multiple threads at once; I like to marathon thread things over the course of a long period of time. o/ This is why I tend to drop things, but if I do you can always poke me. Unless it's a pretty difficult thread I usually tag back fast, though. I am also open to threading out whatever, so just talk to me!

Goals: Play more in general! And build more CR.

Betaing: I will do it. Am mostly cannon blind, but will read for grammar/spelling and flow/are my jokes funny??

AUs: Have never done, but am not adverse to.

Pimping: I can be pimped to? I am not good at doing the pimping.

Final Comments: I am pretty shy and also my job can be pretty crazy, so please don't be put off  by my radio silence <3
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