(no subject)

Nov 05, 2008 00:18

This is not an original story, but I think it bears repeating.

Many years ago, in a far away land, a man through no fault of his own fell afoul of the King, and was brought before him for judgment.

The King, who was not known to be a merciful man, said to the accused kneeling before him, "Is there any reason why I should not have you put to death immediately?"

The man considered for a few moments. "Your Majesty, it is widely known that you own the most handsome and intelligent stallion in all the world. If you will spare my life, I will teach the horse to sing."

The King is intrigued by this proposal, and agrees to it. Every day for several weeks, the man is in the royal stables, attempting to teach the horse to sing, much to the amusement of everyone else.

Finally the master stable keeper decides he must know the reason behind this apparent foolishness, so he decides to ask the man about it. "Why do you do this, friend? Don't you know that no one can teach a horse to sing? What do you hope to gain?"

The man shrugged. "When I was kneeling before the King, the rest of my life could be measured in hours, perhaps only minutes, and my fate was certain. Now, there are many possibilities. Over the course of this year, the horse may die. I may die. Even the King may die." Then he smiled. "And who knows? The horse may even learn to sing."
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