Random Reflections

Jun 05, 2007 17:46

Apropos of nothing in particular:

One should occasionally greet the dawn drunk, preferably in as primitive a setting as possible, surrounded by trees, near a body of water and next to the glowing remains of a campfire.

This is an ideal setting in which to consider the great questions of life, the universe and everything. (I know, I know - 42!) You may not come up with any answers, but can sometimes gain a deep sense of peace and satisfaction.

As this is an experience that must be shared to fully appreciated, you should be accompanied by two or more inebriated friends. It is helpful if at least one of you is still sober enough to point the others in the general direction of a bed/cot/sleeping bag/hammock, as sleeping in a camp chair tends to cause cricks in the neck and backaches, not to mention possible sunburn as the day progresses.
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