Christmas Wish List

Nov 10, 2008 18:35

So I've been avoiding school work and its now coming back to bite me in the ass, the next few weeks are going to be hell, playing a mix of catch up and prep for exams, while getting ready to move. Just yuck. And I need to get the family albums finished, because thats my Christmas gift for my aunts and uncles, because I'm broke and I thought I would have the time to sift through hundreds of photos...

But the good news is once I get through this crappy month, I'll get to see my two best friends again and hang out and be a (I can't see teenager, because I'll be 20), but I'll have fun.

Oh I found my Gossip Girl books, which I got like four Christmas's ago and ended up unread in a box in the basement. So I was all excited to read them and compare them to the show and what not. I don't think it was worth the pain. I'm sorry but the writing was so awful, its like someone typed up an outline of a story and got it made into a book, like its unbelievably weak in all departments, and once again the only character I like is Blair. Oh an Book Nate is the least likable character in the world.

I know its a bit early but I don't know when I'll have a chance to do it so... in the spirit of Christmas, I did that meme thingy (stolen from blueymcphluey) and I hope you all do it to so I can make some wishes come true. I feel like a Disney character saying that. lol. I have some free time in mid-december, which will be for finishing requests and hopefully Christmas wish lists.

Christmas Wish List Meme
Step One:
- Make an LJ post, either public or locked (although public give people who aren't on your flist a chance to give you presents :D). The post should contain your list of 10 holiday wishes. These wishes can be anything, from simple and fandom-related (a fic written about your favorite pairing), to medium (a DVD you want), to really extravagant (a brand new car). Just make sure these are wishes for things you really, truly want.
- If you wish for real life things, like a DVD or CD, make sure you include some sort of contact information in your post. It can be your address or your email address, as long as Santa (or one of his elves) can somehow get in touch with you. ;)
- Make sure you post a version of these guidelines in your LJ, because it's important that the holiday joy will spread.

Step Two:
- Skim through your friend's list (or the brand new friends of friend's list, or random journals) to see who has posted their list. Now is the most important part: if you find a wish you can grant, and it's in your heart to do so. Make that person's wish come true! Sometimes your trash is another person's treasure! If you have a leather jacket you don't want or a gift certificate you won't use - or you even know where you could get someone's dream purebred Basset Hound for free - give it to someone who wants it!

Step Three:
- Post this in your LJ any time after November 1st, then repost it two weeks before Christmas (a.k.a. December 11th)

Step Four:
- You don't need to spend money on these wishes to make them come true. Only spend money if you want to. The point isn't to put people out, it's to provide everyone a chance to be someone else's holiday elf. It's to spread the joy. Gifts can be made anonymously or not, it's all up to you. :)
- There are no rules for this project, nor are there any guarantees or strings attached. Just wish! Your wish might come true! And give if you can. You'll have the joy of knowing you made someone's holiday a special one. :)

1. To get to know my flist better! This is mostly my fault because I suck at commenting, which I promise to be better at, when I'm less busy. But if you guys have a minute it would be great if you filled This out, so I can get to know you:)

2. A long(ish) Tim/Julie (from FNL) fanfiction, they're my crack!ship, but there are only a handful of really good stories about them, so if someone wanted to write one, I would love you forever!

3. A Blair/Dean animated .GIF for my userinfo, icons and a header of them (doesn't have to be all 3 :) they're another crack!ship of mine..

4. Song suggestions or a mix, I'm horrible at finding new songs, I generally just download stuff I hear on my shows or whatever is on the charts at the moment, so I'm always up for finding new stuff.

5. For people to know about and apply @ elite_redheads joining up has been a bit slow and I want the comm to be as awesome as eliteblondes and elite_brunettes plus redheads are under-appreciated and that needs to change. lol.

6. Book suggestions! I read a lot and I'm still on a YA fiction kick, I've read Bluebloods, (the new book comes out right before my BDAY!) everything by Sarah Dessen and Twilight and all that, so I would love some recommendations on what to read next.

7. Some new wallpapers of people like Blair (GG), Brooke (OTH), Cordelia (Angel) etc. My screen size is 1280x768, if anyone is interested.

8. Interest icons, I would really love some new icons, anything from my interests would be amazing.

9. I'm always looking for links to new textures/gradients/brushes etc.

10. For everyone to link me to their lists, so that I can hopefully grant some wishes! And for everyone to have an amazing Christmas:)

christmas wish list, gossip girl

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