Friends Only.

Aug 23, 2015 17:31

Currently: Not Adding/Adding

I love new friends, as long as we have something in common I'll add you back. Please don't add me for graphics or my fanfic those are at:
ahushfell & goldandgrape

Me: 21. In last yr of Poli Sci degree. Sarcastic. Loyal. Random. Loves coffee & graphic making.

The Shows: Glee. True Blood. Doctor Who. Buffy. Angel. One Tree Hill (s1-4). Community. Friday Night Lights. Being Human. Top Chef. Sons of Anarchy. BSG. Alias. Leverage. Any British panel show. Legend of the Seeker. Scrubs. No Reservations.

The Ships: Eric/Sookie. Puck/Rachel. Quinn/Mike. Sawyer/Kate. Annie/Jeff. Annie/Mitchell. Parker/Eliot. 10/Rose. Tara/Jax. Sydney/Sark. Buffy/Spike. Cordy/Angel. Julie/Tim.

!friends only

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