(no subject)

Feb 24, 2005 17:03

Oh my God... i've missed my computer SOOOO much. The internet has been broken since sunday night, great stuff, let me tell ya. Not too much is new, going to drop German tomorrow YAY! I'm having a bunch of people over Saturday, so if you want to be one of them, give me a call! :) We'll probably end up watching movies//getting in the hot tub or w//e, it's gonna be PIMP. I've been really stressed lately, and it's mostly because of my parents, but some people are being really gay lately. First of all, if you call me a name, say it to my fucking face you dumbass. Don't go around telling people im "bitch queen" and "bitch" and other dumb shit like that, say it to my fucking face you

Fuck dumb cunts
Fuck Split Ends
Fuck psycho guys
Fuck Terrorists
Fuck Cancer
Fuck her in the butt
Fuck thiefs who steal your shit
Fuck assholes
Fuck fake people
FUCK people who break into your car and steal all of your music
Fuck your mall-punk
Fuck your x's
Fuck fashioncore
FUCK those morons who grab my arms to see my tattoos and ask "Did that hurt?"
Fuck people who ask me if my ears/plugs fucking hurt.
Fuck girls who flash their tits in bars. Grow some class.
Fuck white suburbanite kids
Fuck reperations
Fuck political correctness
Fuck kids that wear girl pants and think they're hardcore
Fuck the words people use in place of fuck
Fuck coming home on time
Fuck stupid "boohoo im so emo" kids ( i don't give a shit if you ARE emo, don't fucking go around pretending to be who you're not, and if you're going around TELLING people you're emo, fuck you. )
Fuck little kid words like "fudge" or " frick" or "friggin"
Fuck asians for typ3in or what3v3r lik3 it.
Fuck liars
Fuck those who use lol and jk.
Fuck waiting for you to call
Fuck everything!
Fuck Everything And Everybody
Fuck imperfect
FUCK boys who lie
FUCK Assholes and BackStabbing BITCHES
FUCK you i won't do what you tell me
FUCK you, you stupid fucking scenesluts and racists
Fuck you
FUCK relationships
FUCK girls that are a tease to guys like me
FUCK headaches
FUCK emos
FUCK blue/black hairdye.
fuck mcdonalds
FUCK your scene.
FUCK everyone who said i'd changed when really it was them and they couldn't admit to it
FUCK being fat
FUCK the bastarding BHC
FUCK people for hating vegans/vegies
FUCK people for liking vegans/vegies
FUCK my media teacher
FUCK trying to look cute
FUCK the corn X's
FUCK citrus cafe
FUCK crap american re-makes of japenese cartoons ( To put it simply, fuck everything dealing with japanese cartoon shit. )
FUCK meat
FUCK people who want me dead
FUCK dirty looks
FUCK getting pushed around at shows cos we aint no scene
FUCK guys who cheat on you and deny it!
FUCK all the fuckers who think i'm a slut ( yeah like this whole HS is GONE. )
FUCK the heart attack he died from
FUCK scene
FUCK bein single n lonely
FUCK head fuckers
FUCK being in with the 'in crowd'
FUCK all shallow minded disploiting twats
FUCK all the emo kids who now think they're hardcore cos emo is in fashion
FUCK people who diss emo
FUCK getting in the shower and realising theres no shampoo
FUCK putting Xcore after everything
FUCK groundhogs
FUCK Facists
FUCK my dad
FUCK hang overs and beng woken up too early
FUCK your life
FUCK- therapy
Fuck fake people who try their hardest to fit in
FUCK little brothers
FUCK wisdom teeth
FUCK posers
FUCK whores and sluts
FUCK ballers
Fuck heartbreak
fuck politics
FUCK you
FUCK everyone in this mother fucking god-forsaken earth.
FUCK guys
FUCK Homophobes
fuck my stupid friends
FUCK donkeys
FUCK people who write fcuk instead of fuck
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