Jul 14, 2005 18:01
I'm nice to everyone...I dare anyone to point out a person who I am mean too...I help everyone if I can when they need it...Yet, am I ever helped? Is anything nice ever done for me? I'm fed up.
Here's what the problem is:
My 15yrsold little brother Jack lives in his own apartment in my garage, rent free of course. In there he has tons of people everyday, they smoke, they do odd sexual things, it's basically a stoner shack. Keep in mind he's 15, and the people in their range from 12 to 40 (I am not kidding). These people shoot BB guns, rip couches apart with knives, stab things, shot my dog with a paintball, burn things, have gang fights, etc etc... Since he was in the garage he has sworn he did not smoke, my mother has caught him twice smoking ciggs, and I have caught him twice smoking weed in the garage. My mom almost everyday yells for hours about how she's taking the garage away and such and how he's not allowed to smoke, yet does nothing. About 2 days ago she started buying him packs of ciggs when he needed it.
I just turned 18yrsold, I live in a very small room, with my girlfriend and everyday I am told I need to pay her rent for it. I do not smoke, I do not drink. I have no friends who do either of these two while on this property. However, I do have wrestling here. No one breaks anything, unless it is our own and we have bought it or found it, and if we do break something we replace it. We have events here, which everyone cleans up after each show, and it is done at an appropriate time. However, we have a boy named Rob Calihan who wrestles for us. He is 13, my mother has refused to let him wrestle after he trained for 7 months. I being a nice person still let him wrestle. My mother everyday rips me to shreds for this, and threatens me.
Now I ask you....whose the troubled youth? whose the one jail bound? whose the one in the wrong?
[quick EDIT]:
I just sat down, and in the calmest voice ever explained the difference to my mother. Her reaction was this.
Mom: It's different situation, what your doing is wrong. I said he is not allowed here, and you let him here.
Jerry: Yes that's one topic.
Mom: One topic, you let him come here for six weeks.
Jerry: Yes, but that's one thing I did wrong. I let a kid who really wanted to wrestle, wrestle. Jack however, lied to you about a thousand topics.
Mom: Just shut your mouth, I'm very fair to you, I let you girlfriend live here.
Jerry: And you always yell at me everyday for it, and make her do tons of house work.
Mom: Jerry, shut your mouth before I shut it for you.
Jerry: I've got a job like you ask, I do what you ask when you ask, I don't lie to you. I lied to you about one thing.
Mom: Good, You've got a job, move out then
Jerry: You actually think you treat us both equal?
Mom: ...
Jerry: You're actually going to take away wrestling from me now? The one thing I care about.
Mom: You're working now you will be too tired to wrestle.
Jerry: I choose to work from 7pm to 3am every night, just so I could have time to still wrestle. You're actually going to take the one thing I love away? The only thing I have?
Mom: You should have thought about that, before you lied to me.
Jerry: whatever. fine. whatever.
yeah I don't think she's going to actually take the ring away, however Rob can no longer wrestle here, and the unfair treatment continues.