(no subject)

Jul 21, 2005 16:18

my life is amazing. seriously. i have not one thing to complain about except for my job, and come september, that will be taken care of too.

i officially started birth control today. i know this isn't a way of saying "jill, go have sex with everyone now!" i don't plan on doing that. i just feel a lot better about everything now that i know i'm on it.

i took 3 pain killers today because i had major cramps and then i ate something and threw it up everywhere. it sucked real bad.

last night, chris ohan, jim, bill, wrock, nicole, steve, and dave were here. we smoked and then i showed chris some convos i had from when i was obsessed with him. of course it made everything weirder but it was really funny at the same time.

i called out of work today. i know i shouldn't have, but i'm so sick of wasting every beautiful day in the shoprite of oakland. it sucks extremely bad. i cannot verbalize how much i despise that place. it makes me sick.

my brother was in the police academy today, and he had an asthma attack and got kicked out. he has to see an asthma specialist before he's aloud back. he goes back in jan. i feel extremely bad for him because he wants this so bad, but he's happy that he's aloud back. fuckin' asthma, sucks.

i hate being broke
and needing so much.
i miss emily, greg, and rebecca.
nothing amazing has happened this summer and that's a huge dissapointment, but i have been having a lot of fun even doing the same thing every night. it's just with fun people, which makes everything ok.

i want to go visit audrey for her birthday.
i have to go away for a week and i really don't want to.

the boy my sister is in love with, who i don't like 'cause he makes her sad, called my sister today and a few minutes later said "gotta go, someone more important" and hung up. she wasn't upset because she's used to it, but it pissed me off. so he called back and i answered and flippped out on him. a 27 year old huge man. i said "stop fuckin' around with my sister, if you ever pull that shit again, i will kill you" and he hung up. i fucking hate that stupid prick.

tonight, i think i'm hanging out with aj, mike, amber, and bev. they're going to bev's house in NY this weekend and i REALLY want to go, but i have work. =( work ruins lives. no, not work. SHOPRITE ruins lives. it's not work, it's fucking boot camp. guhhh.

i bought napoleon dynamite chapstick today. it's pretty sweet stuff.

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