
Jun 04, 2009 11:04

  1. I'm on my mom's computer. It's very strange. And by strange, I'm pretty sure I mean boring. It's actually kind of nice, because it's such a pain in the ass going to a website that I don't have at my fingertips (ie: facebook) that I often don't bother going there at all. It definitely helps speed the writing process along.
  2. I watched Frost/Nixon last night (I also watched Music of the Heart again, go figure) and I loved ittttt. God, I love political dramas. Especially when they just hinge so much on a certain character. Or two characters. Whatever. I love it.
  3. And, because this information is highly relevant to all your lives:
    Days spent writing: 3
    Pages completed: 4
    Hours spent watching Music of the Heart: 5 (note: never let number of pages completed exceed this)
    Characters: 3
    ScriptNotes: 16
    Biggest challenge: Not watching Prime, knowing it will probably ruin one of my characters if I do.
    Second biggest challenge: Trying to write dialogue that doesn't sound like something out of a Lifetime movie.

meryl streep

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