24/Kiwi & Shakespeare times/meme

Mar 10, 2009 21:25

  1. Hey there, 24 haters! Anyone up for discussing potential subconscious psychological racism resulting from the Juma storyline? No? Still on last night? Okay. But I will tell you that pretentious/elitist hating is a really excellent kind because you get to feel superior to the show all the time. It doesn't really go anywhere, I guess, but so far it's given me an ego so large that it's like I have a second Kelsey to hang out with whenever I'm alone. Obviously that's pretty favorable, I think.
  2. "Kiwi" is currently in the lead in my name poll, but I'm kind of madly in love with all of them so I may just interchange them all. I'll admit I'm a little biased towards Blueberry just because it rhymes and adds an extra syllable, which amuses me to no end. I've decided to honor the spirit of democracy, though. It was my second choice, right after communism.
  3. So I was just watching this clip on youtube of the lovely Grapefruit doing a Shakespeare workshop and reading for Lady Macbeth in one of my favorite Macbeth/Lady Macbeth scenes. I loved what she did with the dialogue because it's exactly what I always fantasize about doing with it. I can't read dialogue like that, so I'm totally envious, but I always imagined that if I could, it would be like that. She puts so much deliberate emphasis on the consonants that end all the words, which I think really makes the silence after every word have more significance.

    The one thing I didn't like was in the second reading when they stood so far apart from each other. I understand that it would take a lot of rehearsal to make that work, but I sort of envision that scene as their last real connection, because her involvement framing those dudes for the murders is really what drives her to insanity, and tragically they don't really communicate with each other in their own crazy states. So she's making this sort of last-ditch effort to bring him back and to get some sense into him, but she leaves him so quickly to go take care of everything. So I guess I'd really like to see how they'd play that scene with some kind of physical contact. In the second reading they were so far apart that her eyes came off as a little glazed, and I really think it should be about her looking him directly in the eye and trying to reach him, albeit with a sort of bitchy Machiavellian attitude that has really consumed her at this point (and I think that's ultimately what prevents her from reaching him). I don't know. I just want her to hold his face and physically try to straighten him out, to sort of communicate what she's trying to do with the words. But yeah, it was just an exercise, so no harm done; it just made me very curious about ways to make the scene work on a deeper level.

    Watching this really makes me want to act. I know there are so many things I don't have that would ultimately prevent me from doing that, but I would just love the feeling of being in a scene like that and using physical means to get what I want out of another character. And not in the Jack Bauer way. Or...sex.

lmao so I have to write 3 short papers, study SO MANY THINGS for my civ midterm, do a bunch of reading/research that I probably just won't do, and I have to get it all done before I have to wake up 7 hours from now. And I've been procrastinating and doing NOTHING of value since 12 PM. I would cry but I kind of love myself for being this much of a ridiculous moron. I can't believe I voluntarily chose this life over taking 4 super-easy classes. It feels SO GOOD, though. What is wrong with me?

cherry jones, lost, 24

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