Comments on Michael Emerson interview, Lost 5x07

Feb 25, 2009 22:42

New interview with Michael. And it is an hour long. Um, YES IT IS.
  1. God, I love his naturally evil laugh; it's so ridiculous. *hugs him* I kind of hate that his is so fabulous because my laugh is the least evil one ever. It's just kind of freakish and weird and like a really pathetic stalker/serial killer rather than an awesome evil mastermind.
  2. Also he just said "delicious" which is...not out of the ordinary for him, really. His vocabulary is all kinds of wonderful. lmfao and he just said "dang" and then "geez Louise." lmfao, Michael, you are amazing and my hero for all time.
  3. lmfao oh my god. OH MY GOD, LOVE. A line of Ben's that was tragically cut from 5x02: "Hugo, that's just a waste of a hot pocket." Why is life so excellent? He said they always cut his funny lines, and yet I think he is hilarious all the time,'s clearly an injustice, but props to him for being that awesome? I'm kind of really psyched as I'm gradually realizing how much his roots are in comedy, because it seems less like some out-of-the-blue fandom that I'll have to abandon due to lack of relevance. Theatre is so far from being my thing, but comedy is comedy, you know? I could really care less about the medium; I've written them all. I do love several things about comedy onstage, particularly the fact that you can show so much of a dynamic just by playing off how a group of people interacts in one room. My favorite short play that I've written is a dysfunctional family comedy, so that format presented this really awesome opportunity to watch everything unfold around a dining room table, which was just really cool and tied the entire play together. So I definitely see the benefits there, and I like that I can take this fandom experience as an opportunity to explore the combination of theatre and comedy.
  4. He totally just finished that conversation with "aloha." He would. Because he totally signs all his pictures with that too and it's just this inexplicable thing that I love about him. ILY MICHAEL.
  1. He's aliiiive. Fuck yes. I knew you could do it, man! Only Locke can cheat death.
  2. lmfao WHAT DID YOU DO, BEN? What a badass. I enjoy exile.
  3. Shut it, you tool. There is no wrong side. Don't even try to pit Ben against the Others. Ben IS the Others.
  4. "I needed Linus removed, so it could be your time." Shut up, you whore. I want to slap you.
  5. Awe man, come on. Get him to look up Helen. The phone sex one will suffice, if the other one is unavailable.
  6. REUNION! I love this Oceanic Six score.
  7. OH YES. I FUCKING CALLED IT. Helen Norwood lmfao. Awesome.
  8. REUNION! Man, I missed Walt. I love how he is suddenly not a dumbass child.
  9. LMFAO BENJAMIN. THAT. WAS. AWESOME. Also I love his scandalous coat, and how one of his ears is sticking out. And also how he's a huge fucking stalker and is clearly pining after Locke.
  10. AWESOME. I hope Ben shot him. God, I love blood. I want to watch True Blood. Admittedly just for Carrie Preston, but I thought it was worth mentioning anyway.
  11. I hope Ben is there. Oh man, Jack. What a disappointment.
  12. Shut up, Jack. I love Locke's delusions. Mostly just because they make me feel less guilty about my own delusions. And Ben's.
  13. SUICIDE NOTE. BEN'S COMING SOON. lmfao, so how DOES a guy in a wheelchair hang himself? I guess if anyone can do it, Locke can.
  14. A power cord? That's so tacky, Locke.
  15. Where are you, Bennyyyy?? THERE HE IS.
  16. I fucking love their relationship. God, this scene is awesomely acted. Awww! Dude, this is amazing. I mean, I love them together at all times, but Locke showing weakness is like a whole new thing, and it's amazing to see the two of them when they aren't just shielding themselves with manipulation.
  17. LMFAO OH MY GOD. THAT WAS KIND OF PREDICTABLE BUT THE CLOSENESS IN THIS SCENE TOTALLY THREW ME OFF UNTIL HE MENTIONED ELOISE. I also love Ben's reaction after he kills him. I think he knows the island will bring him back to life, though, so it's mostly just the act that puts him off. Ben, you are my favorite murderer ever. BIG HUGS.
  18. Benjamin is so crafty. And by "crafty" I mean "really good at cleaning up a murder scene." I love it when he just goes completely evil; it's so interesting to watch Michael act it out and see what he does with it.

  20. Promo for 5x08 (plus spoilers from promotional images)
  21. Ben is returning to their time period! I'm excited.
  22. Um, so that's definitely Reiko in that clip. I'm psyched that she's gonna be doing exciting things and not just being boring and pregnant.

You all know you want to become a fan of Jane Curtin on Facebook. Pshh. Come on.

jane curtin, reiko aylesworth, michael emerson, lost

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