
Jan 26, 2009 23:45

  1. Here's what I had to say last night:
    lmfao Jack Sour. IT IS JACK BAUER, WHEN HE HAS TO SAVE THE WORLD AFTER EATING TOO MANY LEMONS. WILL HE MAKE IT? I'M NOT QUITE SURE. And then like, they wear off and I guess he'll have to accidentally eat more. It's an addiction, man. You can't stop it. Don't even try.

    I think every show should operate under this premise for one season. Damages season three--Patty Hewes eats too many lemons. And then she has to try not to be a bitch. Which is never gonna happen, let's face it. And then she files a lawsuit against the colony of lemons because they hurt small children. She has to do all kinds of corrupt things to get her way.

    lmao okay those were the only two shows where I could make it work. If that. WAIT. WEST WING, YO.

    God, I need sleep.
  2. I am kind of obsessed with obama_daily. Just because biden_daily doesn't make me cry every five seconds thinking about the meaning of life and a magical journey and all that good stuff. I will literally like, go through an entire picspam there and just cry the entire time. It's like having my period, just cheerier and with less blood.
  3. I feel really haunted by Glenn Close right now. I don't know, man. She's everywhere. And by everywhere, I mean...under a youtube search for "glenn close." Yeah, I dare you to explain that one.
  4. Okay, I have a confession to make. I don't hate Meryl Streep that much? I was kind of just pissed at first after focusing on more underrated actresses who were cast under her shadow, but I'm over it. Her Oscar nomination for DWP was really unnecessary, and the trailer for Mamma Mia scared me, but whatever. It's not like she asked for that nomination, and she can do whatever movies she wants. Maybe she just wanted to have a good time after playing so many manic-depressive characters. Anyway, I think she's a little overrated and some other actresses do lose opportunities because of that. But she's still a really, really good actress, and she is so classy. I loved her speech last night; I think she does a fabulous job of making light of the Hollywood elite's obsession with her, which is something I wouldn't even know how to joke about, but she takes it just far enough to be funny and not superior or bitchy about it.

damages, glenn close, west wing, meryl streep, 24, politics

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