House/Andre/school/SNL/Land of Andre

Dec 16, 2008 17:37

  1. I'm kiiiind of developing an obsession with House 1x09 and really want to vid it. Someone stop me. Just not really because it's awesome. I love being obsessed with just one episode. It's clearly the coolest ever.
  2. Okay, hang on, I want to see if I can still remember the episode numbers from the other times I did this. Because it sounds super-fun, at least in a procrastinatory way.
    JoBeth Williams: 24 5x11 (correct--fucking hell yeah, I AM AWESOME.)
    Sharon Lawrence: Desperate Housewives 1x05, 1x09, 1x11. (Boo, incorrect. 1x06, 1x10, and 1x16.)
    Dana Delany: BSG 2x18 (goddamn. 2x16. So close.)
    Sarah Clarke: House 1x09 (1x14. GAH. I swear to god I used to know that one.)
    Mary McDonnell: ER 8x01, 8x11, 8x12, and I forget the other two (it was 13 and 14. Heh. Whoops.)
  3. Anyway, one-shot fangirling. It doesn't happen a lot, and usually it's just because I'm spontaneously attracted to someone from the episode. But once I actually start to analyze it and look at it in depth, there's a lot to get out of it. It's so great for vidding, too, because you don't have to put effort into cutting clips from an entire season, which is fabulously convenient.

    The hostage dynamic totally fascinates me because it prevents House from keeping his distance, which is like his sole necessity in life. And he doesn't really react badly to it, because he's dealing with someone else who shares his obsession with getting an answer. I think it's just really cool to see that personal barrier breached and see what he makes of it.

    I also love the scene at the end where he looks over at him and they both realize that House was right, because House actually appears to care, which is obviously so unlike him, and they sort of make peace with the exact same thing and identify through that (even though one of them had a gun pointed to the other's head a couple of minutes earlier).

    Also, I kind of love the dynamics of control (also the part where House slapped him, that was enjoyable), so I'm basically shipping them right now. Which unfortunately means that I'm kind of attracted to both of them. It's okay with Hugh because he's all British and sexy, but seriously, having a thing for one of the Drazens? Is generally not cool in my book. And by generally, I mean...never. I am totally watching his 10-episode arc of Heroes if I still care when that happens. Fuck it, I'm watching him in everything. EVERYTHING. I know this is just a weird, creepy manifestation of my attraction via deep TV moments, but I crave it nonetheless and intend to see it through. You know, I never have a thing for like, a normal dude who doesn't freak me out. It's always someone who totally challenges my comfort zone. It's like some incredible subconscious form of self-loathing.
  4. Just fyi, this guy = Andre. (For all those who didn't read the House thing, he is the guy who I enjoy in a screwy, unnecessary fandom > sexual orientation sort of way. In the tradition of many of the guys I have enjoyed in the past, I have an awkward fear of saying/writing his name, like that time I called Victor Garber "Sparkle Pants" for a week. So I will refer to him from now on as Andre.
  5. MWF 8:00 AM - Public Speaking
    MWF 9:00 AM - US History & Constitutional Government II
    MWF 10:00 AM - Renaissance & Baroque Art
    WF 11:00 AM - Civil Rights in American History
    MWF 1:30 PM - Intro to American Politics
    MWF 2:30 PM - Composition II

    Finallyyyyy. Trying to get into that class has been like, the most enormous nightmare of my life. I'm really not looking forward to the unnecessarily long day, but I'll live.
  6. I never got the chance to post about this, but Hugh's episode of SNL on Saturday was incredible. My favorites: the dinner sketch (JUDITH. SIT DOWN. SIT DOWN. SIT. DOWN.) and the digital short with the cookies. I am IN LOVE with Fred Armisen when he does things like this. I've decided that he and Will Forte are my favorite current cast members, since brilliant character work is the only thing that makes this season not suck. It's kind of lame that I've paid enough attention to the shitfest that is this season to learn all the names.
  7. I've decided to research Slovenia, because that is where Andre's existence originated. Unfortunately there is very little interesting information on the wikipedia page for Slovenia, so I went on JSTOR and saved a bunch of articles about it, and when I'm done with my last final on Thursday I'll read them. Preferably while watching season 1 of 24. It's gonna be pretty exciting.

dana delany, desperate housewives, željko ivanek, snl, er, 24, jobeth williams, sharon lawrence, mary mcdonnell, college, house, sarah clarke, hugh laurie, bsg

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