I hate spoilers and Grey's Anatomy; I love mainstream sitcoms and myself. (& House)

Dec 12, 2008 00:00

  1. SpoilerTV just spoiled me and I'm pretty pissed off. I know that seems nonsensical, but I have a RSS feed of it on firefox so like, I only click on the shows I want to be spoiled for, and they totally had the spoilers in the title of the article. AND I SAW IT. In retrospect I just feel like it would be a really wonderful thing to not be spoiled for, because it was for 24. And 24 is so terrible these days that shock is really the only way that it will ever entertain me.
  2. Also, I just watched an entire episode of Grey's Anatomy which was really unnecessary. Even more unnecessary because I cried like 5 times, lmao. The writing wasn't really any good, as per usual, but I enjoyed the acting. It was Mary's second episode I think, and the Chinese guy from 24 was really depressed because his wife couldn't speak, and then she finally did and it was really emotional and they hugged, or something. That guy always makes me cry. Except...actually no, he's never done that any other times. He does make me laugh, though. I find it just a little bit hilarious when Asians try to screw with Jack Bauer.
  3. Mary's teeth really scare me sometimes. I mean it's more the fact that they are really rectangular and just seem really in line with the shape of her face, like everything is just working together to make me uncomfortable and creeped out. She's just like...rectangular face lady.
  4. I really want to write something on the subject of the cultural impact of mainstream TV vs. elitist stuff. I was thinking about my last post about how this guy who I was pissed at loves all these really unpopular, pretentious comedies and doesn't like anything mainstream. I was just thinking, look at Will & Grace. It took a minority and found a subtle way to make it very human and identifiable, while also getting in the main humor points so people would watch, therefore getting under the radar and influencing a lot of people. On the other hand, there's comedy that's ahead of its time that only elitists enjoy, and who is that influencing? The elitists are too smart to be subconsciously influenced by it. So whatever, I think those shows are brilliant in their own right but I'm sick of people giving me shit for wanting to work on mainstream sitcoms, because I will probably impact the world much more than I would if I wrote for one of those other shows.
  5. I'm such a bitch and kind of a self-absorbed asshole, but I enjoy it sometimes. Tonight in particular. Whenever someone laughs at one of my jokes I can't contain my glee and feelings of self-worth. I laugh when I tell people about sketches I'm writing, so I've had to start telling them like someone else wrote it so I don't sound like such a tool. I think I can probably blame my parents for all of this, which is fabulous because it's another layer of dysfunction that can help me out with writing.
  6. Also, I just watched the Christmas episode of House. I loved it. The Thirteen/Foreman thing was kind of weird (Foreman is such a lesbian), but I thought everything else was good. I loved the character development for Cuddy and the last scene with her and House, which I thought was really true to him as a character considering how bummed out he seemed (sort of like when he caught her with Wilson the first time). I guess it was a setback for the two of them as a couple, but it just seemed incredibly realistic to me, which is always nice. I also loved the whole virgin birth thing; I love it when House screws with people because the show totally plays along with the dramatic music and everything, so it's hard not to believe it. Also I kind of liked the thing with Kutner at the end--not really part of an actual storyline, but I guess it was kind of cute. I love Kutner.

tina fey, 24, house, will and grace, mary mcdonnell

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