Dana Delany is pretty badass/school is for morons

Sep 02, 2008 23:10

  1. Oh man, I got chosen for a best answer on Yahoo Answers. This is like, an epic achievement in my life, lmao, because I really need the points so I can post more inane questions. Finally one of my excessively detailed answers paid off! Clearly this calls for some kind of celebration. And celebrate I will.
  2. So right now I'm watching BSG 2x16 Sacrifice, aka...the worst episode ever conceived in this universe. I'm starting to come around in that I don't really give a shit enough to linger on the issue of ridiculous character development, and also Dana Delany is really awesome and cries while she's shooting people. But when does she not do that?
    Also, lmao, I wrote that at like 12, because I'm totally not cool enough to be watching it right now. I'm just posting and randomly watching M*A*S*H.
  3. Anyway, I have school tomorrow and I am so not psyched about getting up at 5 in the morning. The parking situation there is impossible so I have to get there by 7:15 for a decent spot, but my route there goes through the city's public school system so I have to leave at 6:15 to get there at 6:45 and avoid all of that. And then I guess I just sit around for an hour and a half, barely awake, before my first class starts.

    My schedule:
    8:00 - Philosophy (MWF)
    9:00 - Psychology (MWF)
    11:00 - Italian (WF)
    12:30 - First Year seminar (M)
    2:30 - History (MWF)
    3:30 - Business Ethics (MWF)

    I'm in the same building for all my classes but Psych and FY Seminar, so that should facilitate some awesome laziness. But I have to go up and down a floor between most of them, which is saddening. Also, I don't know where the hell to go in between my classes, because...I fear boredom.
  4. Also, I feel the need to share this fact: Dana Delany went to Phillips Academy Andover, which is where I went to summer camp during the shittiest summer of my life (for which it was partially responsible...living in a single room while fighting depression is basically the worst idea ever) and almost went to high school. My mom was like, obsessed with the idea of sending me to a private high school and I wouldn't have any of it, so I kind of sabotaged my grades and totally fucked up my academic future. Although being depressed and feeling like shit every time I was at school didn't really help either. Anyway, it's kind of like a road not taken scenario, and in a shallow fandom way I currently kind of wish I'd gone so I could have gone to the same school as her. But at the same time I don't wish that because I would have been completely miserable, and my teachers at the public high school I went to were incredible and totally changed my view on life. (I should add, it's really unnecessary that I keep typing "lief" every time I try to say "life." Because then I feel obligated to make a really lame joke about vikings, and I don't really know anything about those guys aside from...yeah, I know nothing about them.) So, you know, there's my profound thought for the day, and...I will now be going to bed.

dana delany, college, bsg

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