
Jun 02, 2008 19:33

averita chose a bunch of my icons and interests for that know, the ones with icons and interests? I'm too lazy to find that description and post it here, but I think you all know how it works.

anne bancroft: I first became alerted to the existence of this fabulous actress in my freshman year, when we read and subsequently watched The Miracle Worker. My first thought was that her accent was frightening, but for some odd reason I found myself just slightly attracted to her. It didn't really turn into anything exorbitant because she was getting obscenely old in real life and it freaked me out. Then when she died I felt guilty and it kind of pushed me over the edge, so I loved her unconditionally for a couple of months.

conebone69: This is from when Conan O'Brien hosted the Emmys...2 years ago? Anyway, it's in the opening sequence, in which he tries to get to the Emmys and ends up on a bunch of different shows (House, 24, Lost, South Park, etc). Right before he finally gets to his destination, he accidentally winds up in a random house in an episode of Dateline: To Catch A Predator, and the host is convinced that "hosting the Emmys" is some kind of pedophile lingo. He identifies Conan's screen name as conebone69. I definitely stole this interest from someone, although right now I can't remember who it was.

jack donaghy/celese cunningham: Probably my favorite ship on 30 Rock. She, the passionate liberal congresswoman; he, the conservative studio executive...polar opposites, especially if you include the fact that she's fighting against his parent company on behalf of a group of children who turned orange. And yet they're totally perfect together in a sad, innocent way. Their love is scandalous, cute, and randomly sexy at times. I'm totally in denial about her unfortunate exit from his life, but her presence in the season finale was an extremely happy moment for me.

martha logan: Oh man, what's not to love? She had Jean Smart when she dunked her head in the sink. I'll be honest; at that point I was kind of afraid of her, but she won me over when she threatened to insinuate that Mr. Burke was trying to rape her in order to get his keycard from him. That was just badass and randomly sexy. Then I proceeded to love her for the rest of the season on the basis of pure awesomeness. She never gets old, which is the best thing about her. I don't really know what I think about her episode of season 7, so I won't get into that, but she was badass for the entirety of season 5.

peter macnicol: I hated him at first when he was on 24 and then I slowly started to love him as he became one of the good guys and his amazing awkwardness came to the surface. Then I realized he was in Bean, which was totally a pivotal movie in my teenage life. Also, he's hilarious on Ally McBeal, which illusory_thrill called to my attention at one point. He plays the bagpipes, talks about how he prefers a fresh bowl, gets thrown around at a funeral service when a gospel choir sings about hating short people...yeah, he's basically the best thing ever.

potter puppet pals: I caught onto this back when Harry Potter was the main fandom in my life. I (predictably) memorized it, constantly quoted it with my friends at inappropriate times, etc. I prefer the original animated ones, but I like the convenience of the literal puppet shows too. Either way, the videos are adorable and addictive, and it's one of those things I always go back to watch over and over again.

tom/karen: I. Love. This ship. I used to be a pretty hardcore Bill/Karen shipper, and I still ship them, but there's something totally different about Tom/Karen. Karen is authoritative and passionate, Tom is eccentric and awkward. They spent a fair amount of time bitching at each other at the beginning of the season--automatic chemistry--and then came to a quiet understanding. They're so random and weird, which I think is the main attraction there. I love writing fic showing awkward moments, and I don't even have to make an effort with those two.

Greenzo! So, yeah, in love with this icon and all that it represents. It's David Schwimmer's guest appearance on 30 Rock in which he plays this crazy "save the environment" mascot who flips out at everyone for keeping their computers on overnight, keeping the refrigerator open for too long, etc. Oh my god, I can't *not* love him.

This is from the most hilarious scene in an episode of Alias - Sydney needs to find out someone's account number from a bank on some island or something. Dixon plays a native with an accent who gets into a fight with Vaughn's character, a snotty British guy, and Syd is this rich heiress or something, while Marshall is her crazy fast-talking manager. Syd's alias is basically a brainless moron, and the bank manager walks in just as she's closing his safe and to cover it up she makes a joke about breaking into the safe, points at him, and does this hilariously stupid laugh. It's truly life-owning.

Thirteen! When I was watching the finale of House I realized that she was awesome, and _ila_ assured me that she really was, so I decided she was worthy of an icon. This is actually the scene that made me realize how strong a character they were making her...I love that she's only been around for a short season and she's already clearly awesome and deep.

This is one of my favorite episodes of Friends. Thanksgiving episodes are usually particularly good, but the scene with all of them squeezing their heads inside the doorway, trying to persuade Monica to let them participate in Thanksgiving (despite being an hour late) is brilliant. Regardless of how they're positioned, I think some of the best conflict-establishing scenes between this particular group of characters occur when they're all stuck somewhere. I'm also kind of obsessed with the scene right before it, when the four of them are debating what to do in the hallway.

Phoebe and the cute. I watched these scene last night, and I don't know why I love it so much (mostly because I'm randomly creeped out by babies), but it kind of reflects the innocence of all the characters. Personally I like to linger on jokes and skip past the sentimental moments, but this is such an appropriate one.

friends, alias, 24, anne bancroft, house, harry potter, 30 rock

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