
Apr 06, 2008 23:54

I hate homework, I hate homework, I hate homework. I hate homework.

I'm a second semester senior. I should be slacking my ass off. But I am not. Sadly, this is not the case.

In order to get out of math and French this year, I agreed to take Honors English and AP US History. English is really not a problem so that isn't exactly relevant. Except that I need an A/A- in 5 classes (and by "need" I actually mean "want." Dude...being a dork is like a drug. If I don't make highest achievement roll I will be sad forever. The highest achievement roll consists of A) people in all challenging classes who work their asses off, B) people in all art classes/easy electives, and C) me. I'm stuck between two worlds here). I'm thinking the last one may actually be Physics instead of English this semester. How crazy is that? I have a B+ right now (holy cripes), and I did many things for extra credit this quarter. I actually did one thing. But, you know, whatever. Apparently I get a lot of points for it. And our Rover evaluations haven't been factored in; I'm pretty sure I got an A or A- on those, which is groovy.

Anyway, as I was saying, I kind of want to actually read the books for English so I can get an A again, but...apparently that might not be a problem. However, APUS is still a thing in my life, and we have the most epic paper ever due tomorrow. By epic, I mean that the quarter is 5 weeks long (technically 4 weeks for this class because of the AP test) and we only have two or three papers. This is one of them. And it's fricking hard. He basically gave us this 400 page book on the subject, and while we didn't have to read the whole thing, he'll expect examples from the pertinent sections. Mine is about the difference between the 50's and 60's in race, gender, and class roles. This paper is killing me. We also have chapter notes due tomorrow (and reading for English, gahhh. I love Catcher in the Rye but I totally don't have time for it at all), and I haven't really started any of this because I had a meeting at work, a rover meeting, and a couple hours of totally moronic procrastication. There's absolutely no chance I spelled that word right.

Also, I was totally thinking, and Allison Janney and Tina Fey are just awesome people. I mean, I haven't been obsessed with anyone since that time I liked Melora Hardin for like a day and before that, Rachel Dratch for a day...and then, I don't know, Elizabeth Edwards or something. The only actually substantial thing before all of those was probably Maryann Plunkett, which was just really sad. So fandom is not a thing in my life. Maybe it's the tragic power that school has over me. I have no idea. I kind of like to think that it's because I am so not into fandomlike things as a result of Lena Olin, my intentionally "safe" bet that ended up with me being totally miserable and betrayed as a result of the totally evil but awesome thing that is Irina Derevko. Because fandom totally sucks for me with my frighteningly dependent tendencies. So I don't even know. But there have been some people that I haven't liked in that sense and just thought were really badass, ie: Tina Fey, Allison Janney. I mean, I've never been obsessed with someone without being attracted to them in some way, so there's something really nice and calm and stuff when it comes to people where that isn't the case. I actually did have an attraction-based obsession with Tina Fey at one point, but it was about a million years ago when I saw Mean Girls for the first time so it's not even like a thing anymore.

I don't know...amongst all the drama of the fandom universe, I kind of feel like Allison and Tina are my favorite people right now just because it's so normal. They make me totally happy but not in a ZOMG OBSESSION FOREVER way. It's pretty awesome.

Okay, I need to go work on my paper.

School days left: 26
School days until APUS test: 20
School days until AP English Lit test: 19

I really wish I'd taken an AP Art History class. Or AP Psych. That would have been the coolest thing ever. Okay, wow, time to write my paper.

-Finally finished my notes at 1:30. The first section (race) took me about an hour to write. Only two to go now.
-2:58 - Done with section two (women). Yeahhh!
-4:12 - Finally done with the most evil paper of my LIFE. Now I just have to do chapter notes for an hour and not go to bed. Cool beans.

You know, we used to make a big deal about how we'd have a research paper every year for our history class, and how being in AP gets you out of them. This was 10 pages. That's how long the 3-month research paper typically is, and we only had a week to do this. Clearly this class is the sole reason any of us will survive in college.

tina fey, allison janney

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