Sorkin <3

Apr 22, 2007 02:22

Aaron Sorkin is like the biggest fucking genius ever. I mean, I can't even explain it. Every episode of The West Wing is like this major, brilliant work of art. I just watched Posse Comitatus which in my opinion is one of the most beautiful eps ever made. It's incredible. It's simple, but still. There's this parallelism between this play and this covert assassination and on their own they're not extraordinary, but the combination of two things illuminates--or maybe even creates--something so powerful in a situation that would otherwise provoke ignorance. Everything is meaningful. And that's only half of it. Something that could be a cheap love story and a meaningless accidental crime is nothing but amazing and profound. Almost nothing makes my spirit plummet faster than the half-hour mark of this episode. It's just...I don't know. Everyone and everything in this show is basically life-altering. I'm seriously considering seeing Allison Janney in The Autumn Garden this summer. I feel like it's not right because there are so many people on my flist who love her more than I do, but she's such a uniquely gifted actress and I almost don't want to waste the opportunity. But then I also don't want to engage my mom in this whole with the price of transportation and tickets and probably staying there for the night...I don't know. I hate making trips for stuff like this because it feels like an extravagance; I mean, it's not like it will change me for the better as a person, so why spend the money, right? I feel really bad when she buys me stuff I don't need, and I feel even worse when I buy me stuff I don't need. But not to infringe on the subject of my last post. Allison Janney is like, pure awesome in this episode. I mean, she doesn't even have to talk. It's just like the way she moves. For some reason she can say a lot even with that. It's crazy, and yet...I love it.

ETA: Check this out. It's a take on what makes a good's a little short, but I thought it was pretty interesting.

ETA: Aw, this is probably the last time I'll be staying up until 2:30 in the morning until summer (not counting when I'm doing it for homework, cuz...ew, that so does not qualify). Sad.

west wing, allison janney

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