Miram Henderson = my life.

Dec 28, 2006 17:34

I've watched 24 5x11 a disturbing amount of time in the last 3 days.

"Oh, this is so familiar, you accusing him of being a criminal. Why do you hate him so much?" LMAO. Because he's Jack Bauer. Man, she's hot, but she's really idiotic. This is so lame. Henderson is a lie. Nobody taught Jack Bauer.

I love how she's all shocked that he's gonna shoot her husband in the knee. She's all like "Oh my god, Jack Bauer is really gonna shoot my husband? I won't believe it!" And I'm like...um, you're shocked now? Just wait. *laughs* And just the fact that she has been shot by Jack Bauer...like, that's an incredible thing to be able to say. It's kind of an honor. It's almost as awesome as people saying "Jack Bauer." But I love it. She's like, wondering if Jack can actually shoot Henderson and it's like...oops, nvm.

It's so freaking hot when he shoots her, though. I love it. Especially when he realizes it was useless and he's like...shit. SO HOT. They're, like, shipping material. And when I say that I mean "potentially a ship" as opposed to like...bubble wrap. But seriously, sexiest thing ever. I wish Henderson was just not there. I mean, I know if he wasn't there it wouldn't make sense for Jack to shoot her, but I just love it and I want them to be alone. Henderson totally ruins the sexual tension. I think for my own purposes I'm just gonna imagine Henderson not being there, Jack looking Miriam directly in the eye as he tries to keep her from bleeding all over the place...so hot. Eye contact might be the hottest thing ever. And you can totally imagine Jack pulling it off in any situation, because he has to use it whenever he's trying to convince someone that he is, in fact, totally capable of killing them.

So, yeah, imagine like...Jack shoots her, realizes Henderson doesn't care so he's like zomg. And then, Henderson randomly disappears. Like, he doesn't even run away, he just vanishes while he's sitting, like *poof!* (lmao that totally reminds me of House at the Emmys) and he's just...not there. But not in a way that makes Jack really concerned or anything. No, wait...okay. Someone from CTU or something runs in and puts Henderson in a van and somehow the security is so hardcore that he can't escape, which is such bullshit, but shut up. And then it's just Jack (LMAO. Sorry) and Miriam and they're alone and she's like...bleeding and she's also a little shocked that her husband doesn't give a fuck and is an asshole, but she's in pain and stuff and Jack's really hot reversal is just like...whoa. So then Jack SAYS something to her, like tells her that the ambulance is coming or whatever or tells her that she's gonna be okay and then EYE CONTACT and she's caught off-guard by the sexiness of the eye contact and...yeah. I realize there are points where that's like...not Jack, but oh my god. I'm swooning hardcore just imagining this. It's SO HOT OMG.

I can't believe I'm doing this with a character from ONE EPISODE. That is so like me. I mean, I totally ship Jack/Audrey, but JoBeth Williams is just so freaking hot. I actually realized this last year but I was all up in Jean Smart at the time, so obviously I wasn't gonna go chasing someone else, but...damn. Just like...there are no other words.

This icon = how obsessed I am. *dies* (lmao, it'd be so funny if I accidentally used the wrong icon. it'd be like, wtf.)

24, jobeth williams

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